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Published issues
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2010 2014
- New Bulgarian variety of spray carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus f. spray Hort.)
Bistra Atanassova
2017-07-26 - Poli new Bulgariаn lily variety
Andrey Kaninski, Ivanka Ivanova, Anka Galeva
2017-07-26 - Usmivka Bulgarian Tagetes Variety (Tagetes patula)
Nadezhda Zapryanova
2017-07-26 - New ornamental sunflower forms
Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
2017-07-26 - Collection of Pelargonium genus: history of formation and development prospects
Nadezhda Gutiyeva
2017-07-26 - Problems and prospects of floriculture and urban landscape in humid subtropics of Russia
Anna Kelina, Natalia Slepchenko
2017-07-26 - New habitats of Limonium asterotrichum in Bulgaria
Ivanka Ivanova, Andrey Kaninski, Yanka Kotopanova, Nikolay Apostolov
2017-07-26 - Effect of pre-sowing treatment with GA3 of Ginkgo biloba Seeds on some growth of behavior of seedlings
Valeria Ivanova, Neli Miteva, Ivo Murdzhev
2017-07-26 - Seed production of cut flowers of Callistephus chinensis in Bulgaria - status, trends and perspectives
Neli Miteva
2017-07-26 - Nitrification ability of slow releasing nitrogen fertilizers
Yanka Kotopanova, Dimitar Slavov
2017-07-26 - Wood-fibrous sorbents for purification of effluent from heavy metals
Yanka Kotopanova, Nadya Rangelova
2017-07-26 - Nutrient use efficiency of Anthurium andreanum Pink Fever, grown on vertical gardens trough fertigation (automatic drip irrigation)
Rositsa Petrova, Zlatka Kabatliyska, Simeon Bogdanov, Vladimir Ilinkin
2017-07-26 - In vitro polyploidization of Lilium martagon
Eleonora Gabryszewska, Małgorzata Podwyszyńska, Dariusz Sochacki
2017-07-26 - Factors affecting Camelia japonica L. clonal micropropagation
Valentina Malyarovskaya
2017-07-26 - The effect of light quality on some physiological and biochemical parameters of in vitro propagated petunia cv. Blue star plants
Nia Petrova, Milena Dimitrova, Daniela Dragolova, Maria Rogova, Veneta Kapchina-Toteva
2017-07-26 - Influence of vitamins on growth performance of in vitro cultured Magnolia sp.
Rosen Sokolov, Bistra Atanassova, Elena Yakimova
2017-07-26 - In vitro multiplication of four species of genus Goniolimon
Denichka Manolova, Nadezhda Zapryanova, Andrey Kaninski
2017-07-26 - Comparative evaluation between Bulgarian and English rose varieties by degree of multiplication and rooting in micropropagation
Krasimira Uzunova
2017-07-26 - Effect of inhibitors of auxin polar transport on the growth induced by indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid in excised stem of tulips
Marian Saniewski, Elżbieta Węgrzynowicz-Lesiak, Justyna Góraj, Kensuke Miyamoto, Junichi Ueda
2017-07-26 - Changes in soil microbial populations after fumigation and alternative methods to control soil-borne diseases
Piotr Sobiczewski, Beata Meszka, Hanna Bryk, Eligio Malusá
2017-07-26 - Biological invasion in terrestrial ecosystems of subtropics of Russian federation
Natalia Karpun, Yevgenia Ignatova, Yelena Mikhailova
2017-08-02 - Periphyllus californiensis (Shinji, 1917) a little known pest on Acer palmatum Thunb. in Bulgaria
Maria Yovkova, Anlelia Pencheva
2017-08-03 - Insect pests on Bougainvillea glabra with description of Phenacoccus peruvianus Granara De Willink - a new species in Bulgarian greenhouses
Anlelia Pencheva, Maria Yovkova, Dimitar Kozarov
2017-08-03 - Criteria for plant selection in green roofs design
Tsenka Kuneva, Svetlana Anisimova, Zlatka Kabatiyska, Krasimira Uzunova
- Evaluation of viral status and susceptibility of sweet cherry cultivars to cherry leaf spot Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm)
Anelia Borisova, Maria Borovinova
2017-07-25 - Control of powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) and European red mite (Panonychus ulmi) at scab resistant apple cultivars
Vilina Petrova, Maria Borovinova
2017-07-25 - Studies on the efficacy of some fungi and biopreparations for control of Meloidogyne incognita
Zlatka Trifonova
2017-07-25 - Petrobia (Tetranychina) harti (Acarina: Tetranychidae) a new species for the Bulgarian fauna
Nikola Atanasov, Mariela Marinova, Margarita Atanasova
2017-07-25 - Investigation possibilities of bio mineral foliar fertilizer Lactofol K/Ca and universal humus fertilizer Humustim for reducing tobacco infection with TMV and pesticide residues level
Hristo Bozukov
2017-07-25 - Monitoring of economically important virus diseases in Virginia tobacco varieties
Yonko Yonchev, Radka Bozhinova, Marina Drumeva-Yoncheva
2017-07-25 - Identification of bean viruses in South Central region of Bulgaria
Gancho Pasev
2017-07-25 - Evaluation of resistance to causal agents of downy mildew and powdery mildew, morphological characteristics and sensory quality of small fruit cucumber lines
Nikolay Velkov, Galina Pevicharova
2017-07-26 - Study components of productivity in small fruit cucumber hybrids using correlation and regression analysis
Nikolay Velkov
2017-07-26 - Efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) F1 hybrids and their parental components in high temperature conditions
Valentina Petkova, Velichka Todorova, Nasya Tomlekova
2017-07-26 - Comparative economic evaluation of bioproducts for fertilization for late field production of broccoli
Peter Borisov, Tsvetanka Dintcheva
2017-07-26 - Impact of depth seed placement of Amaranthus spp. in the soil to their dormancy and germination
Tsveta Moskova, Maya Dimitrova, Dochka Dimova
2017-07-26 - Correlation between some main black currant traits
Nedyalka Stoyanova
2017-07-26 - Cultivar specifics in sprout and development of tomatoes depending on temperature of growing
Vesselina Vassileva, Ivanka Mitova, Nikolay Dinev
2017-07-26 - Fruit quality components in different tomato genotypes
Vesselina Vassileva, Nikolay Dinev, Ivanka Mitova
2017-07-26 - Contemporary investigations on competitive relations between maize (Zea mays L.) and weeds
Ralitsa Nakova, Sonia Christova
2017-07-26 - Fernor - a perspective walnut cultivar under the conditions of Bulgaria
Stefan Gandev, Veselin Arnaudov, Mariana Perifanova-Nemska
2017-07-26 - Growing walnut interplanted with peach - economic aspects
Vanya Manolova, Stefan Gandev
2017-07-26 - Growing walnut interplanted with peach
Stefan Gandev
2017-07-26 - Inheritance of berry size in vine seedlings from complex interspecies hybrid combinations
Miroslav Ivanov, Venelin Roychev
2017-07-26 - The influence of mulchation of the soil on the carbonic acid balance of cotton field
Yuriy Bezborodov, Akmal Shamsiyev
2017-07-26 - Paldiner new head cabbage variety
Galina Antonova, Krasimir Mihov, Galina Pevicharova
2017-07-26 - Broccoli variety IZK Iskra
Galina Antonova, Krasimir Mihov, Galina Pevicharova
2017-07-26 - Winter tolerance of synthetic wheat forms
Hristo Stoyanov
- Growth dynamics of peach and nectarine rootstocks in a first-year nursery
Argir Zhivondov, Dimitar Vasilev
2017-07-12 - Growth vigour of nectarine cultivars in the nursery
Dimitar Vasilev, Argir Zhivondov
2017-07-12 - Liriomyza trifolii (Burg.) Potential Danger to Vegetable Crops
Yanko Dimitrov, Nedyalka Palagacheva
2017-07-12 - Manifestation of Monillinia fructigena (Persoon) Schroeder (Aderh Ruhl) honey in some plum varieties grown in the region of Troyan
Teodora Stoyanova, Ivan Minev, Petko Minkov
2017-07-12 - Suseptability to anthracnose (Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Ces. et de Not.) of walnut cultivars and hybrids, grown in Eastern Rhodopes
Elitsa Blagoeva
2017-07-12 - Characteristics and patogenitet an local isolates of race Xanthomonas causing walnut bacterial blight in Bulgaria
Maria Andonova, Milena Dimova
2017-07-12 - Rezults of assessment of sugar beet breeding forms for attacks of some diseases agents
Krasimira Tanova, Svilen Rajkov, Kulka Uchkunova
2017-07-12 - Signum WG: new opportunity to control powdery mildew on cucumbers
Sergey Bistrichanov, Miroslav Tityanov, Milena Dimova
2017-07-12 - Epidemiology of viral diseases in raspberry plantation: identification of nepoviruses in the weed association
Snezhana Milusheva, Zarya Rankova, Kuman Koumanov, Georgi Kornov
2017-07-12 - Study of vegetative habits of apricot seedling rootstocks under the influence of some soil herbicides
Irena Ivanova, Zarya Rankova
2017-07-12 - Economic analysis of the effectiveness of modern environment friendly systems for chemical control of weed in apple plantation
Vanya Manolova, Nina Gerasimova
2017-07-12 - Effect of some soil herbicides on the vegetative habits of almond seedlings (Prunus dulcis L.)
Zarya Rankova, Miroslav Tityanov
2017-07-12 - Influence of pendimethalin on the yield of planting material from variety Misket Kaylashki grafted on different rootstocks. Biometric characteristics of the rooted grapevines
Maya Dimitrova, Neli Prodanova-Marinova, Iliyan Zhelyazkov, Anatoli Iliev
2017-07-12 - Influence of some soil herbicides on the yield of grafted rooted grapevines from variety Misket Kaylashki and their biometric characteristics
Neli Prodanova-Marinova, Maya Dimitrova, Violeta Dimitrova, Iliyan Zhelyazkov
2017-07-12 - Metribuzin WG - a guarantee of effective controls in weed control in potatoes
Tsveta Moskova, Miroslav Tityanov
2017-07-12 - Biological efficacy of herbicides in maize hybrid Kneja 435
Sonya Goranovska, Stheliana Kalinova
2017-07-12 - Study of oriental tobacco weed infestation in the region of Svilengrad and the influence of some herbicides on soil micriflora
Shteliana Kalinova, N. Tahsin, Tsveta Hristeva
2017-07-12 - Weeds and Root Parasite Broomrape Nutrient Uptake in Oriental Tobacco Crop
Tsveta Hristeva, Teodora Dekalska, Radka Bozhinova
2017-07-12 - Influence of mineral fertilization on the absolute dry matter forage units for growth and milk (FUG and FUM) in sweet corn hybrids
Lyuba Glogova, Monko Nankov
2017-07-12 - Effect of Irrigation Rates and Cultivar-Rootstock Combination on Water Potential of Apple Tree
Maria Gospodinova, Anelia Zdravkova, Aleksandar Matev
2017-07-12 - The effect of low temperatures on the reproductive organs of Bigarreau Burlat and Summit cultivars grafted on different rootstocks
Stamen Popov
2017-07-12 - Study of three types of rootstocks grafted with Bing sweet cherry cultivar
Dimitar Sotirov
2017-07-12 - Productive capacity of maize silage grown under different irrigation regime
Rumen Bazitov, Milena Mihaylova, Ivan Gospodinov, Vasil Bazitov, Rusinka Petkova
2017-07-12 - Influence of the periodical water deficit on the productivity of maize grain
Iskra Georgieva, Monko Nankov, Sonya Hristova
2017-07-12 - Influence of the liquid root biostimulator Fertiactyl GZ on damaged tomato plants caused by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
Lilyana Markova, Elena Tsolova, Bogdan Kokudev
2017-07-12 - Wide-bed cotton planting under irrigation
Ivan Saldziev, Svilen Raykov
2017-07-12 - Suitability for Processing of the Fruits of a Promising Candidate Cultivar of Raspberry
D. Georgiev1 D. Ludneva S. Hristov M. Georgieva
2017-07-12 - Use of recurrent selection of early flowering in the late maize synthetic population
Dochka Dimova, Natalia Petrovska, Lyubomir Ivanov
2017-07-12 - Documentation management systems. Specific requirements in food industry
Sofka Katsarova, Boryana Brashlyanova
2017-07-12 - Status and problems of mushrooms producing in Bulgaria
Ali Michael, Nidal Shaban, Sergey Bistrichanov, Eman. Kadum
2017-07-12 - Effect of year and fertilization on total biomass formation during the vegetation period of common wheat varieties
Albena Ivanova, Nikolay Tsenov
2017-07-12 - Effect of genotype on total biomass formation during the vegetation period of common wheat varieties
Albena Ivanova, Nikolay Tsenov
2017-07-12 - Aestivum, spelt, einkorn and emmer: differences and similarities in morphological and technological aspects
Maria Mangova
2017-07-12 - Economic efficiency of triticale and possibility of growing in Republic of Makedonia
Mirjana Menkovska, Maria Mangova
2017-07-12 - Comprehensive study on tobacco agroecosystem in long-term stationary fertilizer experiment
Teodora Dekalska, Tsveta Hristeva, Radka Bozhinova Tanya Vaneva Yonko Yonchev
- The major results from the evaluation of genetic resourses and breeding of apple in the Fruit Growing Institute Plovdiv
Vasiliy Dzhuvinov, Rumen Penev, Ilia Slavov, Hristina Kutinkova, Petya Gercheva, Lilyana Nacheva
2017-07-07 - State and perspectives of nut crops in Bulgaria
Stefan Gandev, Veselin Arnaudov, Vanya Manolova, Lilyana Nacheva, Kuman Koumanov, Dora Borisova, Magdalena Nikolova, Elitsa Blagoeva
2017-07-07 - Plant resources of small fruit crops
Denitsa Domozetova, Ivaila Dincheva, Ilian Badjakov, Maria Georgieva, Diyan Georgiev, Veselka Antonova
2017-07-07 - Fruit tree architecture of apple, sweet cherry and plum
Vasiliy Dzhuvinov, Kolyo Kolev, Valentina Bozhkova, Stefan Gandev
2017-07-07 - Intensive cherry production: why, how, whither
Kuman Koumanov, Irina Tsareva
2017-07-07 - Problems and trends in plant protection
Hristina Kutinkova, Veselin Arnaudov, Zarya Rankova, Vasiliy Dzhuvinov
2017-07-07 - Perspective apple variety from the gene pool of the Troyan region
Hristina Dinkova
2017-07-07 - Damages on apple fruits at three growing technologies
Maria Borovinova, Vesela Petrova
2017-07-07 - New Sweet cherry candidate cultivars created at the Institute of Agriculture Kyustendil
Nikolay Christov, Simeon Krumov
2017-07-07 - Results of a study of cultivars of Prunus salicina Lindl. species
V. Bozhkova
2017-07-07 - Valevka: alternative plum cultivar to Kustendilska sinya sliva
Kalin Dragoyski, Boryana Stefanova, Hristina Dinkova
2017-07-07 - Reaction of certain plum cultivars to extreme drought
Boryana Stefanova, Kalin Dragoyski, Hristina Dinkova, Georgi Popski
2017-07-07 - Reproductive behaviour of Hanita variety at different habitats under drought conditions
Ivan Minev, Teodora Stoyanova, Petko Minkov
2017-07-07 - Investigation of frost hardiness of some fruit species and varieties grown in Sofia field
Maria Apostolova
2017-07-07 - Evaluation of the Hungarian walnut cultivar Tiszacsecsi 83
Stefan Gandev, Veselin Arnaudov
2017-07-07 - Use of recurrent selection in middle early synthetic maize population. I. Results of the first cycle in synthetic 1/2003
Natalia Petrovska, Valentina Valkova
2017-07-07 - Estimation of combining ability of high-lysine maize lines in diallele crosses
Slavcho Ivanov, Ivanka Ivanova, Natalia Petrovska
2017-07-07 - Productive potential of maize hybrid Kn 435, grain in three crop-rotation
Monko Nankov, Lyuba Glogova
2017-07-07 - Correlation relations between grain yield, elements of productivity and some biometrics parameters of inbred maize lines maize
Valentina Valkova
2017-07-07 - Studies on plants height inheritance in Burley tobacco crosses
Yovko Dyulgerski, Dimitar Dimanov
2017-07-07 - Effect of sucrose level in the nutrient medium at the elongation stage on the rooting ability of in vitro apple rootstock M 26 (Malus domestica Borkh)
Lilyana Nacheva
2017-07-07 - Micropropagation of Actinidia arguta Planch.
Krastina Kornova, Stamen Popov, Dora Borisova
2017-07-07 - Phenotype and protein markers for assessment of mutant maize inbreds and their progenitor lines
Mima Ilchovska, Elena Todorovska, Miladin Genov, Nikolay Hristov
2017-07-07 - Main premises for making of biologic plum production
Nikolina Marinova, Darina Ivanova, Ivanka Vitanova, Stela Dimkova, Silvena Todorova
2017-07-07 - Efficiency of fertilization of wheat (Tr. aestivum) under changing some elements in agrotechnics. Crop parameters and yield components
Elisaveta Vasileva, Zlatina Uhr, Ginka Rachovska
2017-07-07 - Efficiency of Fertilization of Wheat (Tr. aestivum) under Changing Some Elements in Agrotechnics. Efficiency of Utilization of Nitrogen from Fertilizers
Zlatina Uhr, Elisaveta Vasileva
2017-07-07 - Distribution of Orobanche ramosa L. and Orobanche mutelii Sch. in the main tobacco producing regions of Bulgaria
Mariyan Yanev, Hristo Bozukov, Shteliana Kalinova