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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Valevka: alternative plum cultivar to Kustendilska sinya sliva
Kalin Dragoyski, Boryana Stefanova, Hristina Dinkova
Abstract: Due to the weak damages caused by PPV and very good technical qualities of the fruit, plum cultivar Valevka is one of the most preferable in Serbia. In Bulgaria it is spread by single trees in amateur gardens. Over the past two to three decades we have observed the growth, fruiting, and its reaction to PPV. The data are compared with those of trees of the same age from a plum cultivar Kyustendilska. It was found that the proportion of damaged virus pattern fruits, in cultivar Valevka reached 37%, while in Kyustendilska prune the loss reached 75%. Yields of undamaged fruits were high enough, even heavily infested trees Valevka and almost did not differ in quality from those of Kyustendilska. We consider that a cultivar Valevka can be spread by healthy planting material in areas low contaminated with PPV. This will increase the production of plum fruits suitable for drying.
Keywords: Kyustendilska sinya sliva, PPV sensitivity; new cultivar; plum; Valevka
Date published: 2017-07-07
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