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Published issues
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2010 2024
Volume 61, No 6, 2024 Volume 61, No 5, 2024 Volume 61, No 4, 2024
Volume 61, No 3, 2024 Volume 61, No 2, 2024 Volume 61, No 1, 2024
- Study on the distribution of economically important viral diseases of cereal crops from 2014 to 2022 in Bulgaria
Zhelyu Avramov
2024-12-19 - Effect of mineral fertilization and tillage system on the yield of wheat grown in four-field crop rotation
Iliyana Gerasimova,, Martin Nenov, Zdravka Petkova, Miladin Nazarkov, Maria Ivanova
2024-12-19 - Study of photosynthetic intensity, leaf flag morphometry and yield of perspective common winter wheat breeding lines
Blagoy Andonov, Radoslav Chipilski, Svilena Tosheva
2024-12-19 - Morpho-physiological assessment and productive ability of introduced rice varieties
Blagoy Andonov, Svilena Tosheva, Radoslav Chipilski
2024-12-19 - Prospects for sorghum utilization as human food
Kalin Slanev
2024-12-19 - Production of fresh and dry biomass from Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf.) under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions
Radost Petrova, В. Harizanova-Petrova
2024-12-19 - Effect of fertilisation on the quality of forage of sudangrass (Sorgum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.)
Rumen Bazitov
, Milena Mihaylova
, Mitko Georgiev
2024-12-19 - Species and cultivar preferences of Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padi to spring barley
Vasilina Maneva, Dina Atanasova
2024-12-19 - Species composition of root and basal rot pathogens of hydroponically grown cucumbers in Bulgaria
Ivo Yanashkov, Georgi Prengov, Tzenko Vatchev
2024-12-19 - Survey the virus status in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) cultivars
Yonko Yonchev, Kosta Hristov
2024-12-19 - Influence of irrigation conditions on economic parameters of onion
Stefka Genova
- Influence of two farming systems on the productivity and biochemical characteristics of einkorn and rye
Dina Atanasova, Vasilina Maneva
2024-10-28 - Biochemical composition of some barley varieties grown in different farming systems
Vasilina Maneva, Dina Atanasova, Krasimira Sotirova
2024-10-28 - Impact of supplemental irrigation and organic manure on growth and yield performance of rice variety BRRI dhan103 under terminal drought condition in Aman season
Md. Taufiqur Rahman, Md. Abu Hasan, Md. Mahfuzul Hasan, Nayan Chandra Howlader, Md. Rahat Sazzad Tusar
2024-10-28 - Growing soybean in high soil moisture
Alexander Matev, Stanislev Stamatov, Katya Uzundzhalieva, Veselina Masheva, Rositsa Meranzova, Blagoi Andonov
2024-10-28 - Evaluation of genetic purity of parental lines and hybrids of sunflower
Igor Aksyonov
2024-10-29 - Evapotranspiration of mid-early tomatoes depending on the applied irrigation regime
Radost Petrova, B. Harizanova-Petrovа
2024-10-28 - Evapotranspiration by stages of development in celery (Apium graveolens)
B. Harizanova-Petrovа
2024-10-28 - Biophysical coefficients of evapotranspiration of celery (Apium graveolens) for the Plovdiv area
B. Harizanova-Petrovа
2024-10-28 - Optimization the selection of lint percentage and fiber length in cotton based on the combining effects of parental forms
Neli Valkova, Valentina Dimitrova, Minka Koleva
2024-10-28 - Use of heterosis and transgression events to optimize sizes of leaves in variety group Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski, Radka Bozhinova
2024-10-28 - Sclerotinia sclerotiorum genetic diversity in Bulgaria
Keranka Zhecheva, Magdalena Koleva, Ivan Kiryakov
- Biologically based approach to controlling Pythium root rot of greenhouse cucumbers grown in rockwool system
Tzenko Vatchev, Georgi Prengov, Ivo Yanashkov
2024-08-29 - Mycelial compatibility of Phomopsis helianthi (Munt.-Cvet. еt al.) isolates
Maria Petrova, Ivan Kiryakov
2024-08-29 - Seedling and adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat cultivars and lines
Yordanka Stanoeva
, Galina Mihova
2024-08-29 - Monitoring of main characteristics to maintain the typicality of the Krumovgrad 58 variety
V. Spasova-Apostolova
, Hristo Bozukov
, Maria Kasheva
2024-08-29 - Biological and economical indicators of new hybrids in first generation Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski, Radka Bozhinova, Nikolay Nikolov, Violeta Nikolova
2024-08-29 - Ampelographic characteristics of newly introduced in Bulgaria table grapevine cultivars
Simeon Krumov
2024-08-29 - Photosynthetic activity and yield of potato varieties in summer planting with freshly harvested tubers
Toshtemir Ostonakulov, Alisher Ismayilov, Ilkhom Amanturdiev, Anvar Shamsiev
2024-08-29 - Application of fluorescence spectroscopy as a field method in the determination of varietal differences parsley (Petroselinum crispum) accessions after harvesting
Vanya Slavova
2024-08-29 - Study of the distribution of phenotypic characteristics of sunflower seeds in a head of different genotypes
Elchyn Aliyev
, Katerina Vedmedeva
, Tatiana Machova
, Stanislav Vedmedev
2024-08-29 - Weed smothering efficiency of mulching types on groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) productivity in the dry savanna region of Nigeria
Emmanuel Abraham Shittu
, Moses Samuel Bassey, Tasiu Tukur Bello
2024-08-29 - Statistical analysis of productive, morphological and qualitative indicators in forage production from meadow legume crops
Katerina Churkova
, Boryana Churkova
- Assessment of grain quality traits in mutant lines of winter barley
Boryana Dyulgerova, Nikolay Dyulgerov
2024-06-26 - Changes in the nitrogen concentration in the organs of winter wheat varieties depending on the agricultural production system
Margarita Nankova, Аtanas Atanasov
2024-06-26 - Inheritance of economic traits and heterosis in winter barley hybrid combinations
Toshka Popova
2024-06-26 - Genotypic differences in seed growth activity of winter barley cultivars
Veselina Dobreva
2024-06-26 - Evaluation of land suitability for sorghum crops in Lampasio District, Tolitoli Regency
Lukman Lukman
2024-06-26 - Analysis of the dependence between the total yield and the irrigation rate for corn
Alexander Matev, Katya Uzundzhalieva, Stanislav Stamatov, Veselina Masheva, Natalia Petrovska
2024-06-26 - Parameters of the relationship Yield-evapotranspiration by swaths in a grass mixture of english ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and red fescue (Festuca rubra L.)
Nora Lozanova, Alexander Matev, Stanislav Stamatov, Katya Uzundzhalieva, Veselina Masheva, Zhivko Zhivkov
2024-06-26 - Evaluation with physiological, cytogenetic, biochemical and anatomical aspects of dose-dependent inhibitory activity of jasmonic acid, a lipidderived growth regulator, in onion root tip cells
Dilek Çavuşoğlu
, Kürşat Çavuşoğlu
2024-06-26 - Effect of foliar chelated forms spraying on grape yield and mineral status of shoots
Hristina Poposka, Dusko Mukaetov
2024-06-26 - Possibilities of small robotic UAVS for surveillance of agricultural areas in Southern Dobruja
Asparuh Atanasov
2024-06-26 - Compatibility of integrated management (chemical x biological, and botanical x biological) strategies deployed against Athelia rolfsii, causing Sclerotium rots
Elias Mjaika Ndifon
- Fertilization of wheat with liquid organic fertilizers under the conditions of a pot vegetation experiment
Vesselin Koutev, Asen Nikolov, Zdravka Petkova
2024-04-25 - An overview of anthracnose on beans (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) in Bulgaria
Ivan Kiryakov, Magdalena Koleva
2024-04-25 - Testing of spicement of wild sunflower spicies for rezistence to Phomopsis helianthi
R. Damyanova-Serbezova, Maria Petrova, Daniela Valkova, Miglena Drumeva
2024-04-25 - Optimization of potassium fertilization in early and mid-early production of tomato for sustainable yields and economic profitability
Veselina Vasileva
2024-04-25 - Comparative study of root and soil microbiological activity in individual and co-cultivation of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata L.)
Gergana Mladenova
, Milena Yordanova
, Boyka Malcheva
2024-04-25 - Application of mobile fluorescence spectroscopy as a method in the determination of varietal differences in black radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger) after harvesting
Vanya Slavova
2024-04-25 - Comparative evaluation of indigenous and introduced Burley tobacco varieties
Yovko Dyulgerski
2024-04-25 - Comparative study of oriental tobacco varieties from four ecotypes in the conditions of an experimental field Markovo
V. Spasova - Apostolova
2024-04-25 - Breeding assessment of some forage quality traits in perennial grasses perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Zhelyazko Vulchinkov, Aneliya Katova
2024-04-25 - Classification of seedless varieties of vines (Vitis vinifera L.) according to the size of organs in the female flower sphere
Venelin Roychev
, Neli Keranova
2024-04-25 - Sequence Analysis of some species in the genus Amaranthus L. using Ribulose-1.5 - bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) genes
Abiodun Sunday Oyelakin
, Sarah Ifeoma Ossai, Oluwasegun Olamide Fawibe, Oluwaseun Faith Akinyemi, E. Tolulope Obiwole, Joy Ogeyingbo, Comfort Obaba
- Еffect of meteorological factors on the yield and evapotranspiration of sudan grass for silage grown as a second crop under non-irrigated and irrigated conditions
Rumen Basitov
2024-02-27 - Effect of drip irrigation and mulching on the yield of an apple orchard
Antoaneta Gigova, Vesela Petrovа
2024-02-27 - Influence of plant habitus traits on formation of seed productivity in flax
Tatiana Tovstanovska
, Viktor Lyakh
2024-02-27 - Selena a new cotton variety
Valentina Dimitrova, Spasimira Nedyalkova
2024-02-27 - Influence of the vegetation-applied herbicide Envoke on some structural elements of productivity and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Teodora Barakova
2024-02-27 - Diffuse pollution sources of groundwater in an intensive agricultural area in Southern Bulgaria
Tsetska Simeonova
2024-02-27 - Brief overview of microbiological aspects of composting
Pavlina Naskova, Boyka Malcheva, Dragomir Plamenov, Albena Ivanova
2024-02-27 - Comparative analysis of archival data on yields of main field crops from fertilizer experiments on different soil types in Bulgaria
Iliyana Gerasimova, Vaniya Lozanova, Irena Atanassova, Zdravka Petkova
2024-02-27 - Influence of poultry manure on the performance of bell pepper (Capsicum annum L)
Owoeye, Adetutu Oluwapelu, Opadokun Wasiu Olanrewaju, Olorunmaiye Kehinde Steph
2024-02-27 - Disease suppressive effect in soil against Rhizoctonia root rot induced by mimicking wheat monoculture
Ivo Yanashkov, Tzenko Vatchev, Galina Petkova