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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Guide for registration in web-based platform of open access journals of Agricultural Academy

     Agricultural Academy publishes five open access journals which have web-based platforms for submitting articles:

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science

Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science /

Растениевъдни науки

Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry /

Животновъдни науки

Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology /

Почвознание, агрохимия и екология

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management /

Икономика и управление на селското стопанство


If you would like to use the platform of the special journal as author or reviewer, you have to register at the website. In Registration you can see the registration form. The fields marked with a asterisk are mandatory.

From the drop down menu you can choose to register as:

You will receive notice by e-mail when your account is activated.

How to use the platform as author?

When your account is activated, you can log in the platform to submit an article.

Left on the screen you can go to My articles – there is the menu with options for submission an article.

Submit draft – if you use this option, you still have access to the article to make corrections.

Topic - from the drop down menu you can choose the topic, in which your publication falls. You can send letter to the editor. Then you must enter the title and attach the abstract and the text of publication in the separate files.

Tables are included in the text and their position in the text is marked.

Illustrations and schemes are attached in the next field - Upload images (in format .tif or .png).

In the next fields you can put the names of co-authors, key words and proposal of the reviewer of the article. Finally you have to agree to transfer the exclusive rights to publishing and distributing (I agree). Then you must pressing the button Submit. After that you can find the article in Submit article for review.

How to use the platform as reviewer?

When you are registered as reviewer, you have access to Reviewer’s tools. When you go there, you can see submenu Pending articles. There are all articles you received for review. You have three options: 

Details – access to the abstract of the publication for considering whether you want to be reviewer of this article

Yes – you are agree to review the article

No – you refuse to review the article

When you go to Details, you can see the following:

You can see topic, title and abstract of the article, names of authors, key words and illustrations (if any). Once you see the abstract of the article and decide to review it, you must go to Yes. If you don’t want to review it, you can go to No. You have to confirm your decision.

Then you can see the following:

You can go to Details to have access to the text, the abstract and the illustrations.

Then you can go to Submit review – below the button Details.

You can download the referee template, to fill it and to upload it. Then go to Submit review and confirm.

Video instructions:

Video instructions for authors

Video instructions for reviewers