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Published issues
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2010 2015
Volume 52, No 6, 2015 Volume 52, No 5, 2015 Volume 52, No 4, 2015
Volume 52, No 3, 2015 Volume 52, No 2, 2015 Volume 52, No 1, 2015
- Sudan Grass Sensitivity to Some Herbicides. I. Selectivity
Plamen Marinov-Serafmov, Irena Golubinova
2017-08-09 - Sudan Grass Sensitivity to Some Herbicides. II. Productivity
Plamen Marinov-Serafmov, Irena Golubinova
2017-08-09 - Characteristic of Mutant Lines Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
Irena Golubinova, Plamen Marinov-Serafmov, Ana Ilieva
2017-08-09 - Assessment of the Initial Temp of Growth of Sudangrass, Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrids and Sweet Sorghum Forms
Velimir Donchev, Tsvetan Kikindonov
2017-08-09 - Test of Sweet Sorghum as a Raw Material for Production of Sweet Substances
Tsvetan Kikindonov, Stanimir Enchev
2017-08-09 - Testing of Promising Varieties of Sorghum in Terms of Northeastern Bulgaria and South Russia
Kalin Slanev, Aleksandar Volodin, Tsevat Kikindonov
2017-08-10 - Comparative Assessment of Varieties of Burley Tobacco
Mayya Mutafchieva
2017-08-10 - Study of Nectarine Cultivars in the Period of Initial Fruiting I. Growth Manifestations and Yield of Early Nectarine Cultivars
Dimitar Vassilev, Argir Zhivondov
2017-08-10 - Study of Nectarine Cultivars in the Period of Initial Fruiting II. Growth Manifestations and Yield of Late Nectarine Cultivars
Argir Zhivondov, Dimitar Vassilev
2017-08-10 - Study Results on Local Plant Resources of Genus Cerasus in the Region of Troyan
Ivan Minev
2017-08-10 - Structure and Quality Analysis of Yield for Katinka Plum Cultivar
Georgi Popski, Boryana Stefanova, Ivan Minev
2017-08-10 - Influence of Different Variants of Grass Establishment over the Chemical Composition of Blackberry Fruits
Diyan Georgiev, Teofora Mihova, Galina Naydenova, Maria Georgieva, Georgi Popski, Dimitar Mitev
2017-08-10 - Influence of Fertilization over the Reproductive Potential of Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa L.)
Diyan Georgiev, Teofora Mihova, Georgi Popski, Maria Georgieva
2017-08-10 - Inheritance of Quantitative Traits and Genotype-Environment Interactions in a Hybrid Combination between Seeded and Seedless Vine Cultivar V. Roych
Venelin Roychev
- Diseases and pests of sour cherry and their control in conventional and integrated plant protection
Vilina Petrova, Maria Borovinova, Anelia Borisova
2017-08-09 - Control of sucking insects and forage productivity in organic production on spring forage pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Ivelina Nikolova, Natalia Georgieva
2017-08-09 - Study on grazing ecotype of birdsfoot trefoil in terms of selection
Tatyana Bozhanska, Galina Naydenova, Yordanka Naydenova
2017-08-09 - Examination bioproducts in greenhouse cucumbers Defense F1 variety according to the growth medium
Boyan Arnaudov, Hriska Boteva, Nikolay Velkov
2017-08-09 - Study of breeding populations of birdsfood trefoil and red clover in mixtures
Galina Naydenova, Dimitar Mitev
2017-08-09 - Phenology of development, productivity of green mass, grain and crude protein of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) under the conditions of Central Northern Bulgaria
Todor Kertikov, Daniela Kertikova
2017-08-09 - Assimilation and return of nutrient elements by plants in soil and impact of crop residues on soil fertility in short cotton rotations
Abduvaly Iminov, Fazliddin Namazov, Bakhodir Khalikov
2017-08-09 - Heterosis regarding of biological indicators in Virginia tobacco hybrids
Мarina Drumeva-Yoncheva, Yovko Dyulgerski
2017-08-09 - Dissemination of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) in Virginia and Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski, Yonko Yonchev, Marina Drumeva-Yoncheva
2017-08-09 - Dissemination of potyviruses in Virginia and Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski, Yonko Yonchev, Marina Drumeva-Yoncheva
2017-08-09 - Method for obtaining of bread from a flour mixture of wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale
Nadka Mihalkova, Silvia Ivanova, Gabriela Marinova, Valentin Batchvarov, Petya Parvanova
2017-08-09 - Characteristic of mutant forms sudangrass Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.
Irena Golubinova, Plamen Marinov-Serafmov, Ana Ilieva
2017-08-09 - Using on infrared thermometer for establishment of water stress in green beans irrigated by diferent pre-irrigation soil moisture
Radost Kalaidjieva, Velika Kuneva, Aleksandar Matev
2017-08-09 - Evaluation of the factors fertilization and irrigation regimes on the yield of maize based of mathematical-statistical analysis
Velika Kuneva, Radost Kalaidzieva, Aleksandar Matev, Hristofor Kirchev
2017-08-09 - Study of the correlation between the structural elements of yield in common wheat
Velika Kuneva, Antonia Stoyanova
2017-08-09 - Influence of sugar and fodder beet pollinators on the productivity of their hybrids
Georgi Kikindonov
2017-08-09 - Forage quality in Pisum sativum, treated by biological and synthetic active compounds
Ivelina Nikolova, Natalia Georgieva, Yordanka Naydenova
2017-08-09 - Forage quality characteristics of subterranean clover biomass
Yordanka Naydenova, Viliana Vasileva
2017-08-09 - Feeding value estimation of perennial ryegrass, alfalfa and their mixtures
Yordanka Naydenova, Anelia Katova
2017-08-09 - Quality of the seeds of МС Lines maternal components of the Bulgarian varieties of sugar beet and semi-sugar beet
Veselin Uchkunov, Iliya Uchkunov
- Developing of sunflower lines and hybrids resistant to herbicides
Julia Encheva, Galin Georgiev, Nina Nenova, Daniela Valkova
2017-08-09 - Sources of resistance to the leaves patogens caused grey (Phomopsis helianthi), brown (Alternaria sp.) and black (Phoma macdonaldi) spots on sunflower
Valentina Encheva, Daniela Valkova, Julia Encheva
2017-08-09 - Study of hybrid material originated from interspecific crosses with wild Helianthus annuus L. for resistance to diseases and parasite broomrape
Daniela Valkova, Julia Encheva, Valentina Encheva, Pepa Shindrova, Michail Christov
2017-08-09 - Study of hybrid material obtained with the participation of H. debilis T. and G. accessions
Daniela Valkova, Nina Nenova, Julia Encheva, Galin Georgiev, Valentina Encheva, Emil Penchev, Nurettin Tahsin
2017-08-09 - Inheritance of productive tillering in hybrids of winter feed barley
Darina Dimova, Darina Valcheva
2017-08-09 - Major criteria for choosing walnut cultivars suitable for growing in Bulgaria
Stefan Gandev
2017-08-09 - Application of the factor analysis for comparative assessment of the agrobiological and technological indicators of the population and the clones of Dimyat variety
Iliyan Simeonov, Venelin Roychev, Todorka Mokreva
2017-08-09 - Development of Didymella rabiei on chickpea plant residues
Yordanka Stanoeva
2017-08-09 - Pathogenic variation of Ascochyta rabiei in North-East Bulgaria
Yordanka Stanoeva
2017-08-09 - Allelopathic effect of mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.) on common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) and thornapple (Datura stramonium L.)
Anna Peneva
2017-08-09 - Study phenology and productivity of true millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) as non-traditional forage crop under the Pleven region
Todor Kertikov, Daniela Kertikova
- Investigation on biological properties of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus isolates from different stone fruit species
Anelia Borisova
2017-08-09 - Allelopathic effect of Fallopia japonica hot water extracts on Xanthium strumarium
Anna Peneva
2017-08-09 - Manifestation of chlorosis on trees of pome and stone fruit species, grown in the field around the town of Sofia
Evlogi Markov, Antoniy Stoev, Rumen Filipov
2017-08-09 - New hosts of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus among the medical plants in Bulgaria
Bistra Dikova
2017-08-09 - Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr) on petunia and ageratum in the production of seedlings
Sergey Bistrichanov
2017-08-09 - Weed reservoirs of PVY in Bulgaria as a main source of diseases of potato
Nikolaj Petrov, Miroslava Vulkova, Ganka Baeva
2017-08-09 - Monitoring of flying of plum moth (Grafolita funebrana Tr.) in the region of Troyan under different climate conditions
Severina Valeva, Anton Atanasov, Georgi Popski, Boryana Stefanova, Kalin Dragoyski
2017-08-09 - Content and expense of nitrogen and phosphorus in barley genotypes
Lyubena Kuzmanova, Svetla Kostadinova, Nevena Ganusheva
2017-08-09 - Effect of irrigation time on reproductive parameters of apple
Anelia Zdravkova
2017-08-09 - Effect of feeding with organic poultry manure during vegetation on yield and quality of cabbage
Desislava Todorova, Нriska Boteva
2017-08-09 - Proftability of apple production systems
Iliyana Krishkova
2017-08-09 - Comparative economic evaluation of table grapevine varieties with increased resistance to stress factors
Daniela Dimitrova, Iliyan Simeonov, Miroslav Ivanov
2017-08-09 - Physical and technological indicators of leaf material by harvesting belts in samples of Burley tobacco
Stefka Kirkova, Yovko Dyulgerski, Tanya Milanova
2017-08-09 - Technology of producing early and cheap harvest of potato in Southern Uzbekistan
A. Hamzaev, T. Astanakulov, H. Honkulov
2017-08-09 - The result of choosing varieties to produce early potatoes in the Southern regions
A. Hamzaev, T. Astanakulov, S. Sanaev
2017-08-09 - Pre-sowing treatment of seeds of four protected species from genus Goniolimon, family Plumbaginaceae, distributed in Bulgaria
Denichka Manolova, Andrey Kaninski, Nadezhda Zapryanova
2017-08-09 - Study of weed infestation in tоbacco felds in some regions of Sough Bulgaria
Marin Yanev
- Manifestations оf summit sweet cherry cultivar оn different inters
Dimitar Sotirov
2017-08-09 - Biological characteristic of strawberry cultivars
Veselka Antonova
2017-08-09 - Drought resistance and its influence on flower formation in sweet cherry
Nikolay Christov, Simeon Krumov
2017-08-09 - Breeding value of accessions of species Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski and Heteranthelium piliferum (Banks et Sol.) Hochst
Hristo Stoyanov
2017-08-09 - A study of introduced black currant varieties
Nedyalka Stoyanova, Veselka Antonova, Denitsa Serbezova
2017-08-09 - Optimizing the rooting process in propagation in vitro of cherry rootstock Gisela 6
Krastina Kornova, Stamen Popov
2017-08-09 - Intravarietal diversity in Misket Ottonel variety
Iliyan Simeonov, Zdravko Nakov, Miroslav Ivanov
2017-08-09 - Effect of rainfalls about cracking fruit on cherry cultivars and elites
Nikolay Christov, Anita Stoeva
2017-08-09 - Сomparative analyses of the characteristics of yield and quality of the grapes in selected clones of Cabernet Sauvignon variety
Zdravko Nakov, Iliyan Simeonov, Miroslav Ivanov, Anatoli Iliev, Angel Ivanov
2017-08-09 - Comparative technological characteristic of seedless table grapevine cultivars under the cgroclimatic conditions of the Kyustendil
Simeon Krumov
2017-08-09 - Breeding activities аnd cultivar composition оf apple (Malus domestica L.)
Stanislava Dimitrova, Dimitar Sotirov
2017-08-09 - Susceptibility of sour cherry cultivars to economically important fungal diseases in Kyustendil area
Maria Borovinova
2017-08-09 - Influence of latent infection by apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) on the development of young apple trees cv. Florina - preliminary research investigation
Svetla Maneva, Antoniy Stoev, Dora Krezhova
2017-08-09 - Density and damages of apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea Klug) in three technology of growing
Vilina Petrova
2017-08-09 - Dynamics of the flight of cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi L.) and its control
Vilina Petrova
2017-08-09 - Little Cherry Disease (LChD) - economically important viral diseases in sweet and sour cherries
Anelia Borisova, Nikolay Petrov
2017-08-09 - Analysis of heterosis and combining ability of some morphological characteristics of peanuts (Arachis hypogeae L.)
Stanislav Stamatov, Manol Deshev
2017-08-09 - Heterosis events and inbred depression in F2 in the extraction of fruit and nuts in four crosses of Bulgarian breeding peanuts
Stanislav Stamatov, Manol Deshev
2017-08-09 - Root yield of semi-sugar beet grown cultivated under biological methods
Dora Donkova
2017-08-09 - Optimization of fertilization schedule in greenhouse grown tomatoes
Ivanka Tringovska
- Breeding of the new grain sorghum variety Maxibel
Tsvetan Kikindonov, Kalin Slanev
2017-08-03 - Heterosis effect in sorghum sudangrass hybrids at brooming stage
Tsvetan Kikindonov, Kalin Slanev, Stanimir Enchev, Georgi Kikindonov
2017-08-03 - Characterization of the obtained yields from Bulgarian common bean genotypes, grown in irrigated and non-irrigated conditions
Vladimir Krаstev, Radost Kalaydjieva, Aleksandar Matev, Dochka Dimova, Diyana Svetleva
2017-08-03 - Exploring new varieties and lines oriental tobacco the region of Northern Bulgaria
Maya Mutafchieva
2017-08-03 - Reproductive performances of four sweet cherry cultivars in different distances of planting
Dimitar Vassilev
2017-08-03 - Preplant preparation impact for establishment of plum plantations on reproductive manifestations of trees in fruit bearing period in years of extreme droughts
Ivan Minev
2017-08-03 - Effect of different modes of irrigation on some biometric indicators in soybean
Velika Kuneva, Aleksandar Matev, Radost Kalaidjieva
2017-08-03 - Effect of the selection on the degree of resistance to Alternaria alternata f. ssp. steviae in breeding origins of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.)
Veselin Uchkunov, Kulka Uchkunova, Ilia Uchkunov
2017-08-03 - Study of the variety reaction of stevia selection materials to Alternaria alternata on natural background of infection
Ahmed Mehmed
2017-08-03 - Effectiveness and selectivity of herbicides during fodder beet vegetation
Stanimir Enchev
2017-08-03 - Physical-chemical indicators of soils in organic growing of small-fruit trees species in mountain conditions
Natalia Andreeva, Diyan Georgiev, Georgi Popski, Teodora Mihova, Maria Georgieva
2017-08-03 - Investigation of weed infestation of crop of winter wheat grown in conditions of organic production
Dora Donkova
2017-08-03 - Genetic variability and heritability of yield and its components by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Ginka Rachovska, Zlatina Uhr
2017-08-03 - Study phenology and productivity of foxtail millet (Setaria italika ssp. mocharicum Alef) as non-traditional forage crop under the Pleven region
Daniela Kertikova, Todor Kertikov
2017-08-03 - Study on bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia L.) as a non-traditional drought resistant grass-forage crop
Daniela Kertikova, Todor Kertikov
2017-08-03 - Kopnezh F1 - new tomato hybrid for fresh consumption and processing
Daniela Ganeva, Galina Pevicharova