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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Dynamics of the flight of cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi L.) and its control
Vilina Petrova
Abstract: The study was conducted in 2009 – 2014 at the cherry orchards of the Institute of Agriculture – Kyustendil with cherry cultivars with different ripening period. It was used yellow visual tricks type „Rebell” to establish the dynamics of the flight of the cherry fruit fly. The start of the flight of the cherry fruit fly begins at the earliest on 9 May, 2014 and at the latest on 20 May 2011. The duration was from 72 to 108 days and it was observed 2 to 4 peaks of flight. The first peak was occur 10 to 37 days after the beginning of the flight. This difference was due to the influence of many factors, the most important of these were the weather condition, the availability of food host, and conducted chemical treatments on the fly. The density of the cherry fruit fly during the study was 17.6 to 169 flies per trap. It was conducted annually 1 to 2 insecticide sprays in plantations with conventional plant protection to control the cherry fruit fly, as fruit injuries reached to 1.22%. During the period of study in the experimental plantation with integrated plant protection it was
economized insecticide sprays in accordance with the threshold of harmfulness.
Keywords: cherry fruit fly; control; population density; Rhagoletis cerasi
Date published: 2017-08-09
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