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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Sudan Grass Sensitivity to Some Herbicides. II. Productivity
Plamen Marinov-Serafmov, Irena Golubinova
Abstract: During the period 2008 – 2010 in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven was studied three factorial field experiment in non irrigated conditions. It was studied the selectivity of five two components soil herbicide (Suksesor T; Merlin Flexx 480 SC; Click Plus; Click Сombi and Kamiks 560 SE) in fve varieties Sudan grass (Voronejskaya 9; Vercors; Kazitachi; Piper and True) in three doses (50% and 100% and 150%) than the recommended dose of the product specified by the manufacturer. It was established sensitivity and pooling varieties Sudan grass to two components soil herbicide regarding the formation of biomass per unit area: Group I – highly sensitive – Piper and Tru,
in which the reduction in the yield of the fresh biomass ranges from 25.5% to 30.7%; Group II – average sensitive Kazitachi (5.5%) with values similar to those of the average standard and ІIІ group – low sensitive Voronejskaya 9 and Vercors which demonstrated a stimulating effect from 25.5 to 27.4%. Based
on the Sustainability index (SuI) found that varieties Piper and Tru are the lowest resistance (from 15.1 to 40.9%) to all tested herbicides regarding the accumulation of fresh and dry biomass per unit area. With a relatively high resistance are varieties Voronejskaya 9 (58.2 and 61.1%) and Vercors (50.8 and
64.6%) to Kamiks (500 g/l s-metolachlor + 60 g/l mesotrione), followed by Vercors (58.2 and 61.1%)and Kazitachi (50.8 and 64.6%) with the use of Click Сombi (265 g/l dimethenamid P + 300 g/l terbuthylazine) and Voronejskaya 9 (76.2%) to Suksesor T (300 g/l Pethoxamide + 187.5 g/l terbuthylazine) but
only on the formation of dry biomass per unit area, which is a prerequisite for their use as donors for resistance in combination selection.
Keywords: biomass; herbicides; selectivity; Sudan grass; sustainability
Date published: 2017-08-09
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