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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Contemporary investigations on competitive relations between maize (Zea mays L.) and weeds
Ralitsa Nakova, Sonia Christova
Abstract: Competition between weeds and crops in agro-ecosystems is important factor which leads to decreasing crop yield. From this point of view, the competitive relations between maize and weeds is one of the basic common problems in agricultural science and practice. This paper presents a detailed literature review of the factors influencing the competition between maize and weeds. The competitive ability of the maize plants depends on sowing time, seed rate, row width, crop density, nutrient regime. Determining the critical period (CP) of weed competition can help us to minimize weed interference in maize. Several factors such a climate, genotype and cultural practices may influence the CP. The factors: weed species and density have negative influence on accumulation of maize biomass (fresh and dry), plant height, surface areas of the leaves, ear length, ear diam¬eter, ear weight, ear rows, kernels per row, 100-grain weight, as a whole reduce maize grain yield. Mathematical models have good possibilities to demonstrate presence of competitive relations between maize and weeds and also prognostic abilities. Therefore, accurate prognosis of the relative damage caused by weeds is one of the essential necessary preconditions for accomplishment of a rapid raise in the effectiveness and ecological conformity of maize produc¬tion.
Keywords: competition; damage; grain yield; maize; mathematical model; weeds
Date published: 2017-07-26
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