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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative evaluation between Bulgarian and English rose varieties by degree of multiplication and rooting in micropropagation
Krasimira Uzunova
Abstract: The clonal micropropagation is fast and effective method for propagation of ornamental species with proven practical application. The aim of this study is by using biometrical methods to make a comparative evaluation between Bulgarian and English varieties of ornamental roses by degree of propagation ratio and rizogenesis. The influence of two cytokinins BAP and TDZ with various levels (0 – 2 mg/l), added to the medium of mul-tiplication (MS) and different doses of the two auxins IBA and IAA in rooting medium (½ MS) were tested for six cultivars of roses. The results show direct influence between the type and concentration of growth regulators, used genotypes and effectiveness of in vitro propagation. Statistically proven degree of multiplication and rooting were observed for cvs. V. fragrance and Anny compared to the control cv. Baccara. The provided information is useful for practical in vitro propagation of valuable breeding material of roses.
Keywords: biometrical analysis; breeding; in vitro propagation; Rosa hybrida; rose
Date published: 2017-07-26
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