[session_started] => 1737307730
Problems and prospects of floriculture and urban landscape in humid subtropics of Russia
Anna Kelina, Natalia Slepchenko
Abstract: The region of Russian humid subtropics is quite small. Unique climatic conditions are favorable for growing subtropical plants, including flower-and-ornamental ones. One of the Russian leading research institutions in the field of floriculture is All–Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. One of the most important research guidelines of the Institute is crea-tion, completion and maintenance of genetic collections, which number more than 2000 cultivar samples. Available genotypes are used during selection works to produce new varieties, select and create donors and sources of economically important features. The collection of flower-and-ornamental cultures (Dianthus L., Chrysanthemum L., Gerbera Gronov, Eustoma Salisb., Rosa sps., Hydrangea macrophylla Ser., Syringa vulgaris L.), rare and en¬dangered species of Campanula sclerophylla (Kolak.) Czerep., Pancratium maritimum L., Lilium caucasicum (Miscz. ex Grossh.), as well as citrus and other crops is maintained in vitro. The research issues on getting flower cuttings are actual. This is distillation of small-bulbed plants of Galanthus L., Leucojum L., Narcissus L., Muscari Mill.; staffage greenery (Cyrtomium C. Presl., Asparagus L., Formium L., Fatsia Decne & Planch, etc.). Currently, our institute is working out a program of floriculture development together with the Subtropical Botanical Garden of Kuban, “Chamber of Eurasian florists” and the Department of Environment and Forestry Management of Sochi Administration.
Keywords: floriculture; humid subtropics; ornamental cultures; Sochi; urban landscape
Date published: 2017-07-26
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