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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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New Sweet cherry candidate cultivars created at the Institute of Agriculture Kyustendil
Nikolay Christov, Simeon Krumov
Abstract: Some results from sweet cherry breeding on climatic conditions in the region of Kyustendil are reported. The study was carried out in selection garden of the Institute of Agriculture – Kyustendil in 2002 – 2012. Three new candidate cultivars was selected – Dima (Elite № 32/20) Alekston (Elite № 32/23), Vasinica (Elite № 6400). The trees are grown under conventional scheme for this species. They were obtained from crosses between Van × Stella cultivars in 1988. After the original seedling selection the trees was grafted on P. mahaleb (IK- M9) rootstocks. The trees were planted for second testing with the standard Van in 2002. The data are presented for the period 2010 – 2012. It was established their high biological and economic value. Some brief pomological descriptions are presented. Candidate cultivars Dima and Alekston are selfertility which is highly valued in the new cherry cultivars. The period of fruit ripening of Vasinika successfully filled the time between early ripening (Bigarreau Burlat) and midseason (Van) cultivars, which allows it not be interrupted harvest period. Furthermore, Vasinika has a high fruit size, good yield and very good taste.
Keywords: breeding; cultivars; sweet cherry
Date published: 2017-07-07
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