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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative economic evaluation of bioproducts for fertilization for late field production of broccoli
Peter Borisov, Tsvetanka Dintcheva
Abstract: The experiment was carried out during the period 2009 – 2011 with three varieties of broccoli Jade F1, Fiesta F1, Coronado F1 and five bioproducts for fertilization: farm manure, Lumbrical, Humustim, Bionutrient and BactoFil B. The results show that the experimental design determines the level of economic efficiency of the use of biorpoducts for fertilization on late field production of broccoli. Farm manure as a source of nutrients is an alternative that in conditions of experiment leads to the highest economic effect as evidenced by the value of index rate of rentability from 33.68% to 54.66%, depending on experimental design. High effect is observed due to the introduction of BactoFil B and Lumbrical in seedling mix and in field on background manure 2 t/da, where values were 31.77% and 28.90%, respectively.
Keywords: broccoli; economic evaluation; yield
Date published: 2017-07-26
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