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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Poli new Bulgariаn lily variety
Andrey Kaninski, Ivanka Ivanova, Anka Galeva
Abstract: Poli is a new Bulgarian lily cult ivar. It wa s creat ed at the Institute of Ornamental Pla nts – Sofia by the method of intraspecific hybridizat ion, i.e. by crossing Pinguin and White Pal ermo varieties. It belongs to the group of Asian hybrids.Variety Poli is of high ornamental qual ity: with light pinkish color petal s and dark wine-red points, medium high and intra specific, very strong green stem, that makes it competitive on the market. Cult ivar Poli is characterized by long flowering period in comparison with sta ndard cult ivar, respectively 7 days. The number of blossoms per one pla nt and yield of cut flower number/100 m2 from the new variety are higher in comparison with the sta ndard variety White Pal ermo, respectively 10.63% and 21.04%. The cut flowers of cult ivar Poli show longer vase life in wat er, than sta ndard variety, respectively 5 days. The new variety is suita ble for greenhouse production and urban la ndscaping purposes.
Keywords: lilies; ornamental; quality; variety; yield
Date published: 2017-07-26
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