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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Phenotype and protein markers for assessment of mutant maize inbreds and their progenitor lines
Mima Ilchovska, Elena Todorovska, Miladin Genov, Nikolay Hristov
Abstract: Phenotype assessment of 34 traits and acidic PAGE separation of zein polypeptides of 3 mutant inbreds and their 2 progenitor lines were performed to study the induced by mutagenesis genetic diversity in maize inbreds. The mutant lines showed large phenotype diversity and stable expression of many of the investigated traits. The latest can be used as reliable phenotype markers. The mutant lines FM 4662 and K 4640B differed for 17 and 20 traits respectively from the progenitor B73 while the phenotype difference of the mutant XM 87 136 from B 37 concerned 15 traits. In addition to the observed phenotype diversity the mutant inbreds showed differences in zein electrophoresis patterns. The inbred lines FM 4662 and XM 87 136 differed from their respective progenitor lines by 13 and 16 zein bands. Despite the observed substantial phenotype diversity between K 4640B and its progenitor line, the distinction of the zein patterns concerned only 2 bands. The observed polymorphisms in the zein electrophoretic patterns of the investigated lines are useful as additional markers for their identification, protection and for rapid seed lot purity tests.
Keywords: electrophoresis; maize; polymorphism; UPOV; zein
Date published: 2017-07-07
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