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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Influence of mineral fertilization on the absolute dry matter forage units for growth and milk (FUG and FUM) in sweet corn hybrids
Lyuba Glogova, Monko Nankov
Abstract: Experience is based at the Institute of Maize – Kneja average for the period 2002 – 2003. Average of all variants of breeding the best productive capacity stands hybrid combination E-5, respectively, 128 kg/da dry matter, 226 n/da FUG and 199 n/da FUM. With the best fertilizer rate effect is N22P10K8, which increased by 35% average in the studied parameters in comparison with the control T0. The coefficient of variation is lowest CV = 8% for fertilizer with manure N12P56K46, and the hybrid E-2 and E-1 average of no fertilization and fertilization options.
Keywords: fertilization; forage; sweet corn
Date published: 2017-07-12
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