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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Wide-bed cotton planting under irrigation
Ivan Saldziev, Svilen Raykov
Abstract: The aim of this study was to make a comparative assessment on Bulgarian condition of cotton irrigation regime under tree norms – 1200, 900 and 600 mm/ha. The cotton was cultivated on two systems: the first one on interrow-spase 60 cm, and new system – under 80 cm interrow-spase. It was determined that the cotton planted under 60 cm interrow-spase on 1200 and 900 mm/ha showed better yields and the best economical results. Irrigation norm of 600 mm/ha under wide-bed system realized bed yield and low economical effects.
Keywords: cotton; irrigation; wide-bed system; yield
Date published: 2017-07-12
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