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Articles by topic
Volume 60, No 2, 2023
- The effect of some herbicides on the composition and structure of the weed association in a young lavender
Desislava Angelova, Stanko Stanev
2023-04-26 Volume 60, No 1, 2023
- Peculiarities in the flowering of the Bulgarian varieties of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)
Stanko Stanev, Desislava Angelova
2023-02-21 Volume 59, No 6, 2022
- Borago officinalis L. as an important source of natural aromatic compounds
Iveta Čičová, Ľubomír Mendel, Vladimír Sitkey, Peter Dočolomanský
2022-12-16 Volume 59, No 5, 2022
- Phenological development of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) depending on genotype and some meteorological factors
Svetlana Manhart
2022-10-27 Volume 59, No 2, 2022
- Characteristics of cold pressed product of Coriandrum sativum l. and perspectives for application
Ana Dobreva
2022-04-21 Volume 59, No 1, 2022
- Study of Sudden Decline of Lavender in Bulgaria Caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma solani
Zhelyu Avramov
2022-02-25 Volume 56, No 6, 2019
- Alternative echinacea growth schemes (Echinacea purpurea Moench.)
Anatoli Dzhurmanski, Desislava Angelova
2019-12-06 - Comparative study on the growth and development of annual and biannual plants of species from genus Catalpa at the conditions of Sofia field
Rosen Sokolov
2019-12-06 Volume 56, No 5, 2019
- Nursery production in Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea Moench.)
Desislava Angelova, Anatoli Dzhurmanski
2019-10-31 - Influence of soil herbicides on the biometric indices of lavender
Desislava Angelova
2019-10-31 - Specific features of an immortal (Helichrisum italicum L.) grown on the territory of Bulgaria
Silviya Mollova, Stanko Stanev
2019-10-30 Volume 56, No 3, 2019
- Characteristics of medicinal plants in protected area Dabeto village Novi izvor (Bulgaria)
Stoyan Georgiev, Koycho Koev, Teodora Barakova, Nikolay Kochev
2019-07-02 Volume 55, No 6, 2018
- Efficient protocol for in vitro clonal propagation of Rosa damascena Mill. and its comparison with conventional propagation method
Veselina Badzhelova, Violeta Bozhanova
2019-03-19 Volume 55, No 2, 2018
- Morphological and phenological characteristics in accessions of Coriandrum sativum var. microcarpum DC. and Coriandrum sativum var. sativum
Nikolay Dyulgerov, Boryana Dyulgerova
2018-07-12 Volume 54, No 3, 2017
- Diseases in wild-growing honey bearing plants in Lozen Mountain in Bulgaria
Evgeniya Velinova, Aleksandar Tashev
2017-09-07 Volume 54, No 1, 2017
- Chemical composition, antifungal and antibacterial potential of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and cumin (Carum carvi) essential oils (Apiaceae)
Danijela Pecarski, Nina Dragićević-Ćurić, Zorka Jugović
2017-06-21 Volume 53, No 5-6, 2016
- Еffect of some meteorological factors on main breeding traits in coriander
Nikolay Dyulgerov, Boryana Dyulgerova
2017-05-16 Volume 52, No 3, 2015
- New hosts of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus among the medical plants in Bulgaria
Bistra Dikova
2017-08-09 Volume 50, No 4-5, 2013
- Distribution and resources of Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae) in Bulgaria
Dimitar Peev, Lyuba Evstatieva, Natalia Valuovska, Ivanka Semerjieva, Milena Nikolova, Boryana Sijimova
2017-07-06 Volume 50, No 3, 2013
- Methods of propagation of Centaurium erythraea Rafn. and growing in field conditions
Katia Uzundzhalieva, Svetla Kachakova, Dimitria Dimitrova
2017-07-04 Volume 50, No 2, 2013
- A comparative investigation on content, composition and olfactory evaluation of prospects samples of Coriandrum sativum L.
Ana Dobreva, Аnatoli Dzhurmanski, Boryana Dyulgerova, Nikolay Dyulgerov
2017-01-27 - Technological factors influencing upon essential oil yield of coriander seeds by distillation
Аnatoli Dzhurmanski, Genka Zhekova, Nikolay Dyulgerov, Boryana Dyulgerova
2017-02-14 - Essential oil from citral thyme variety Slava
Genka Zhekova
2017-01-27 - Agrobiological characteristics of Satureja hortensis L.
Аnatoli Dzhurmanski, Genka Zhekova
2017-01-27 Volume 50, No 1, 2013
- Introduced species and varieties of oil-bearing roses in Kazanlak field conditions
Natasha Kovacheva, Krasimir Rusanov
2017-01-25 - Importance of species of the family Syrphidae (Diptera) for biological control of Macrosiphum rosae L. (Aphididae, Homoptera)
Hristo Lambev
2017-01-30 - Density, dynamics of development and the importance of species of the family Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in the planting of Rosa sp.
Hristo Lambev