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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Introduced species and varieties of oil-bearing roses in Kazanlak field conditions
Krasimir Rusanov, Natasha Kovacheva
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to be established the parameters of some biological and agronomic characteristics of intro¬duced species and varieties oil-bearing roses for their use as breeding materials. Included are 10 samples, introduced by Peter Beales collection, England. As good parental donors were nominated Rosa moschata nasturana, for late and prolonged flowering (90-115 days) and resistance to rust (degree of attack 0%), Blanchefleur and Marie Louise from Damask roses group, which have big and heavy flowers (6.37-6.56 g) and are highly resistant to black rust and leaf spots. In content and composition of essential oil, the most promising are Quatre saisons and York and Lancaster (group of Damask roses), which synthesized 0.03 – 0.04% essential oil, with main components near to the standard of Bulgarian rose oil.
Keywords: characteristics; essential oil; oil-bearing roses
Date published: 2017-01-25
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