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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Determination of water content in garlic accessions after storage in a warehouse by fluorescence spectroscopy
Vanya Slavova, Stefka Genova
Abstract: The present study aims to establish the application of fluorescence spectroscopy in the comparison of sprouted and non sprouted garlic accessions. They will be compared in terms of determining the water content in them. Garlic samples were stored in a warehouse under uncontrolled conditions. This will allow the method to be applied as non-invasive in quality control of garlic production during storage. The experimental studies were performed locally in the warehouse for sixteen samples (8 germinated and 8 non-germinated), after 9 months of storage. For each accessions, the biometric and false stem that grew from the vegetative bud were measured. The spectral installation for generating emission fluorescence spectra is mobile and has applicability in local characteristics of the production. In its adjustment (optical setting) a systematic engineering approach is applied, based on the classical principles of modern optoelectronics. The results of the experiment will be able to be applied to optimize the time for analysis of garlic accessions, in a warehouse, under uncontrolled conditions and this will support the breeding process in its initial stages, when it is necessary to qualify a large set of samples in a short time.
Keywords: fluorescence spectroscopy; garlic аccessions; uncontrolled conditions; water content
Date published: 2021-10-28
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