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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Surveys and studies of Ilar viruses in the free-growing population of mahaleb forms and wild cherries in the Kyustendil area
Simeon Krumov, Anelia Borisova, Ivanka Kamenova
Abstract: In the Kyustendil region as a result of many years of practical and scientific experience mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L.) and wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) are approved as the main rootstocks of the sweet and sour cherry. The aim of the study was to index selected trees of the free-growing population of mahaleb forms and wild cherries in the Kyustendil region and to establish the presence/absence of Ilarviruses in them. During the period 2018-2020, detours were carried out at the western foothills of the Konyavska Mountain, Risha mountain, Pianechki and Zlogoshki subdistricts. Serological analyzes of 41 mahalebs and 27 wild cherries were performed by DAS-ELISA for pollen and seed transmitted Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf virus (PDV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV). The percentage of Ilar virus infection in the examined free-growing population of mahalebs and wild cherries was 16.7%. Only PDV was identified, PNRSV and ApMV viruses were not detected in any of the tested trees. The collection of seeds for the production of rootstocks should be done only from mother trees of studied and approved forms from Pr. mahaleb and Pr. avium, with an annual check of their viral status, in regard to the above viral pathogens.
Keywords: DAS ELISA; Ilarviruses; index; Prunus avium L.; Prunus mahaleb L.
Date published: 2021-08-20
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