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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Еffect of some meteorological factors on main breeding traits in coriander
Nikolay Dyulgerov, Boryana Dyulgerova
Abstract: The effect on average daily temperature, relative air humidity and precipitation on fruit weight per plant, 1000-fruits weight, fruit weight per umbel and number of umbels per plant in coriander was studied. The investigation was conducted at the Institute of Agriculture - Karnobat during the period 2008-2010 and included 81 coriander accessions with different geographical origin. The negative effect of high average daily temperatures on plant yield was mostly expressed in the period from germination to stem elongation and during the period of fruit maturation. A higher quantity of the rainfalls had a beneficial effect on yield in all vegetation subperiods, excluding flowering. The critical period for yield formation according rainfalls was stem elongation. High quantity of the rainfalls and relative humidity under the flowering period had a negative effect on plant productivity as they causes sterility and abortion of the flowers.
Keywords: breeding traits; coriander; meteorological factors
Date published: 2017-05-16
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