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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Biochemical composition of some barley varieties grown in different farming systems
Vasilina Maneva, Dina Atanasova, Krasimira Sotirova
Abstract: Biochemical analyzes were made of some varieties of barley grown in different farming systems, to establish the presence of antioxidants and other useful substances in their composition. The antioxidant capacity equivalent (vit. E), total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, total antioxidants, zinc, iron and sulfur were analyzed. The research was carried out at the Institute of Agriculture - Karnobat, Bulgaria and Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research unit Microbe-Plant Interactions, Ingolstädterland str. 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. The data show significant differences in the biochemical characteristics of different barley cultivars depending on the type of cultivation. Under conventional cultivation, the cultivars showed high levels of 1000-grain weight, crude protein content, antioxidant activity, and iron and sulfur content. In organic cultivation, the cultivars have good indicators of weight per 1000 grains, antioxidant capacity, total flavonoid content and zinc content. In biodynamic cultivation, the varieties have increased values for some biochemical indicators. Sitara variety has the highest total phenolic compounds content (TPC content) and antioxidant activity (DPPH activity), while Obzor variety has the highest iron content. These data highlight the possibility of achieving higher levels of some beneficial parameters in barley through biodynamic and organic cultivation.
Keywords: barley; biochemical composition; different farming systems
Citation: Maneva, V., Atanasova, D., & Sotirova, K. (2024). Biochemical composition of some barley varieties grown in different farming systems. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(5) 13-20 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-10-28
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