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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Yield and growth manifestations of late nectarine cultivars in a period of complete fruiting
Dimitar Vassilev, Argir Zhivondov
Abstract: The experiment was conducted in the period 2014 – 2016 in the Experimental Station of Agriculture – Han Krum DP. The following cultivars of nectarine were analyzed: Fantazy, Goldengrand, Morsiani 51, Cassiopeia and Fairlane on a seed rootstock (Elberta) and clonal GF 677. Experience is set in Spring 2011 at planting distances 4,5 x 2,5 m. The following indicators were studied – thickness of the stem (cm2), crown volume (m3), yield per tree (kg), weight of one fruiting (g), coefficient of productivity (kg/cm2), yield of the crown volume (kg/m3). The types of twigs have also been studied – mixed, wood, color, bouquet, and before temporary branches of first order as well as number growth points. The indicator section of the stem varies in a range of values (35,9 – 109,8 cm2). With a large volume of crowns are characterized cultivars Goldengrand, Fairlane and Cassiopeia engrafted of the rootstock GF 677 (3,9 – 5,0 m3). The yield of one tree is highest in cultivars Fantazy, Morsiani 51, Fairlane and Cassiopeia on a rootstock GF 677 (24,3 – 28,3 kg). Fruits of the cultivar rootstock combinations Fantazy/GF 677 and Goldengrand/GF 677 are characterized by relatively high weight (202,6 – 204,3 g). The indicators coefficient of productivity (kg/cm2) and yield per m3 of the crown volume are relatively higher values for the cultivars engrafted of seed rootstock (Elberta). The late cultivars on GF 677 rootstock are characterized by a more number of May bouquets, color, wood, mixed and before temporary branches of first order. A similar trend is observed with regard to the number of growth points.
Keywords: crown volume; cultivars; nectarine; yield
Date published: 2020-08-13
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