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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative study of prospective rye lines
Evgenia Valchinova, Petar Chavdarov
Abstract: The study was carried out in the experimental field of IPGR-Sadovo during the period 2017-2019. The aim of investigation was to establish the productive capacity of 20 common rye lines and found their resistance to the fusarium head blight - Fusarium culmorum. It was determined that with the shortest length of vegetation period are lines B9ВМ0034, B9ВМ0037, B9ВМ0041 and В2018-55, with the longest spike - В2018-55, with the longest spike is В2018-58, with largest thousand grain weight are В9ВМ0037 and В2018-55, with largest thousand grain weight are: В9ВМ0027, В9ВМ0028, В9ВМ0032 and В9ВМ0033. All these lines certainly of interest to plant breeding and could be included in selection program. Resistant lines to the agent of the fusarium head blight (Fusarium culmorum) in the studied rye genotypes are not found.
Keywords: Fusarium culmorum; promising rye lines; structural elements of yield
Date published: 2020-08-13
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