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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Biometrical indicators of perspective lines еcotype Nevrokop tobacco
Daniela Vitanova, Yovko Dyulgerski
Abstract: Eight genotypes of oriental tobacco ecotype Nevrokop (six perspective lines and Nevrokop 1146 and Krumovgrad 90 varieties) are studied for height of plants and number of leaves, during the three year period (2010-2012). Line 5 was with the highest height of plants average for the study period, followed by Krumovgrad 90 and Line 2. All new lines surpass the other standard Nevrokop 1146 variety by this indicator. The largest number of
leaves (average for the study period) is obtained from the standard Krumovgrad 90 variety and the smallest - from Line 1. Lines with numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 surpass the standard Nevrokop 1146 variety by this indicator. Valuable selection material of oriental tobacco ecotype Nevrokop is created, and the newly-selected lines with the highest value are Line 3 and Line 2, which can successfully be included in future breeding programs.
Keywords: ecotype Nevrokop; height of plants; number of leaves; nеw lines; oriental tobacco
Date published: 2020-07-29
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