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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Evaluation of grain cereals development after biochar application
Vera Petrova, Milena Yordanova, Tsvetelina Nikolova
Abstract: Biochar is a fine ground charcoal having higher carbon content and is prominently sturdy to microbial decay. Biochar is produced through pyrolysis (combustion in low or total absence of oxygen) from organic matter. As a soil amendment, biochar application has gained a significant importance in improving the quality of soil.
To establish the influence of BC on the soil properties field experiments with wheat and maize on leached meadow-cinnamon soil were conducted. In the field experiments, three variants were realized: first is control variant, second with added 6 kg BC over an area of 300 m2 (20 kg/da) and 20 kg/100 m2 (200 kg/da). The biometrical measurements, such as a weight and height of the plants during different stages of the vegetation are shown improved (between 8 and 10% heavier and higher). In all variants with applied BC plants are visibly darker green colour.
Keywords: in frared temperature; photosynthetic activity; pyrolisis; soil moisture; water regime; yield
Date published: 2019-07-02
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