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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Seed productivity in interspecies crosses Lolium perenne L. х Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Lolium perenne L. х Festuca pratensis L.
Anelia Katova
Abstract: In order to obtain Festulolium hybrids in the period 2014-2017 at the Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven, two series of inter-species crosses were conducted: 6 of the type perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. х tall fescue Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and 6 of the type perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. х meadow fescue Festuca pratensis L. The productivity of seeds and its elements has been studied: number of generative stems, height (cm), number of spikelets in the ear (panicle), weight of seeds (g). Mean values and variation coefficient by traits, parent components, and years are presented. Differences in combining ability have been established by the seed productivity and the significance of the crossing direction is outlined. The parental components are graded in descending order of seed productivity. In the second year most seeds were obtained, as in the combination of perennial ryegrass x tall fescue, for perennial ryegrass №14 (237.5 g) and Tetrany variety (166.5 g) are the most productive, and for tall fescue Albena, when crossed with variety Tetrany have obtained the most seeds – 635.6 g. In the combination of perennial ryegrass x meadow fescue, for perennial ryegrass №14 (169.6 g) and Tetrany variety (129.9 g) are the most productive, and for the Merifest (T) meadow fescue, when crossed with the Harmonia variety, have obtained the most seeds – 735.8 g.
Keywords: interspecies hybridization; meadow fescue; perennial ryegrass; seed productivity; tall fescue
Date published: 2019-03-19
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