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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Efficient protocol for in vitro clonal propagation of Rosa damascena Mill. and its comparison with conventional propagation method
Veselina Badzhelova, Violeta Bozhanova
Abstract: In the present study a comparison is made between the best variants of medium for multiplication and rooting selected in the previous experiments in culture of nodal segments at two main Bulgarian oil-bearing genotypes aiming to develop effective protocol for in vitro clonal propagation. Furthermore the advantages of clonal in vitro propagation over the currently used conventional methods for the production of Kazanlak oil-bearing rose (Rosa damascena Mill.f. trigintipetala Dieck) seedlings are experimentally demonstrated. The results obtained confirmed the high multiplication potential of the MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l BAP and the high rate of rooting of the regenerated plants in ex vitro conditions by direct rooting in a soil mixture. This combination of multiplication medium and ex vitro rooting can be successfully included in the protocol for clonal micropropagation in the Kazanlak oilseed rose, ensuring repeatability of results over different years. By comparing the conventional propagation method with in vitro method it was found that with the conventional method only 37% of all inserted cuttings form a root and grow to well-rooted plants that can be used as planting material. In applying the clonal micropropagation method, the efficiency increased to 765%, as 918 rooted plants were obtained of total 120 introduced explants, i.e. this method is about 21 times more effective than the conventional one.
Keywords: clonal micropropagation; oil-bearing rose; protocol
Date published: 2019-03-19
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