[session_started] => 1737113503
40 years of the mechanisation of plant protection in NIMESS, IMM, ISSAPP
Ivan Mortev, Tsacho Prisadashki, Georgi Kostadinov, Elena Dimitrova
Abstract: A retrospective analysis of the 40-year period of development of the science of plant protection mechanization in NIMESS, IMM and ISSAPP “N. Pushkarov” was made. The results, over the years, reflect the leading role of the scientific department in this scientific field. It has been established that the availability of a modern technique for every stage of the development of agricultural mechanization is a necessary but not sufficient requirement for conducting biologically effective and environmentally friendly plant protection. It is necessary that the droplet parameters are adjusted to the specific conditions and parameters of the treated object. The accumulated experience, the built and provided material base is a prerequisite for creating a Training and Demonstration Center in the field of quality control of plant protection machinery and assessment of drip coating parameters, a task facing the country in the framework of the implementation of a European directive.
Keywords: droplet coating parameters; plant protection machinery; sprayers; spraying systems; technologies
Date published: 2018-03-30
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