[session_started] => 1739415965
Diseases in wild-growing honey bearing plants in Lozen Mountain in Bulgaria
Evgeniya Velinova, Aleksandar Tashev
Abstract: The paper presents characteristics of the diseases in melliferous plants of the Bulgarian flora. The survey of the literature data revealed that there are more than 835 pathogens causing diseases in plants of interest. A particular attention is given to the results of investigation conducted in one Bulgarian area – Lozen Mountain. Thirty fungi phytopathogens were identified. Most of them belong to the phyla Deuteromycota and Ascomycota. A full list of investigated species is presented. Phytopathogens as a group on wild-growing melliferous plants were analyzed for the first time.
Keywords: melliferous plants; phytopathogens; flora
Date published: 2017-09-07
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