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Evaluation of the factors fertilization and irrigation regimes on the yield of maize based of mathematical-statistical analysis
Velika Kuneva, Radost Kalaidzieva, Aleksandar Matev, Hristofor Kirchev
Abstract: The purpose of the present work is based on two-factor analysis of variance conducted factors – rates of fertilization and irrigation regime to assess the significance and power of influence of the factors on the yield of corn. Experience is displayed during the period 2004 – 2007 year of Agricultural
University – Plovdiv. Variants of factor A are norms of fertilization with nitrogen 0, 8, 16, 24 kg/da active substance; variants of irrigation in factor B – without irrigation, irrigation by 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the calculated optimum irrigation rate. As a result of analysis of variance was found dominant influence factor (B) – Irrigation regime, as most strongly expressed in 2007 by 96% . Significantly less is the influence of factor (A) – norms of fertilization. The relationship between the interaction of factors in consider indicator „yield“ has not proven statistically.
Keywords: ANOVA; irrigation regime; maize; norms of fertilization
Date published: 2017-08-09
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