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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Assimilation and return of nutrient elements by plants in soil and impact of crop residues on soil fertility in short cotton rotations
Abduvaly Iminov, Fazliddin Namazov, Bakhodir Khalikov
Abstract: To develop a highly efficient the short cycled rotations which provide conservation and improvement soil fertility, of Silt Loam Calcic Xerosol (FAO, 2003) of Tashkent region and the results of the investigations recommend and inculcate to agricultural production. The field experiment comprised six treatments of crop rotations: T1 – cotton monoculture; T2 – rotation scheme 1: 1 (1 yr cotton: 1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop); T3 – 1: 2 (1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop: 2 yr cotton); T4 – 1: 2 (1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop followed by intercropping of oats and green peas as a winter crop for green manuring: 2 yr cotton); T5 – 1: 2 (1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop followed by intercropping of oats, green peas
and winter rye as a winter crop for green manuring: 2 yr cotton); T6 – 2: 1 (1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop: 1 yr winter wheat + soybean as a summer crop followed by intercropping of oat, green peas and winter rye): 1 yr cotton.
Keywords: cotton; crop rotation; mung bean; nitrogen; phosphorus; plant residues; potassium; soybean; winter wheat
Date published: 2017-08-09
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