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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative economic evaluation of table grapevine varieties with increased resistance to stress factors
Daniela Dimitrova, Iliyan Simeonov, Miroslav Ivanov
Abstract: The study was conducted in the experimental vineyard of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology – Pleven during the 2007 – 2010 period. The elements of yield of the table grapevine varieties – Plevenski Favorit, Garant, Avgustin and Lyubimets bred with the inter-species hybridization method were studied. The dynamics of the indicators average weight of cluster (g), 100-berry weight (g) and average yield per grapevine (kg) was followed. Variety Super Ran Bolgar was used as control. Comparative economic analysis was made on the basis on the average yield per grapevine recalculated per unit area. The values of the net income in all varieties with increased resistance to stress factors exceeded the
level of this indicator in the control variety, the increase varied in the limits from 107.37 lv/da in variety Lyubimets to 666.68 lv/da in variety Plevenski Favorit. The maximum economic effect, according to the complex economic evaluation of indicators net income, rate of profitability and cost price, was obtained in variety Plevenski Favorit. The high level of profitability determines all studied varieties as appropriate to be grown in practice.
Keywords: economic evaluation; table grape; varieties; yield
Date published: 2017-08-09
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