Species composition of root and basal rot pathogens of hydroponically grown cucumbers in Bulgaria
Ivo Yanashkov, Georgi Prengov, Tzenko Vatchev
Abstract: Various fungal and fungal-like pathogens cause crown and root rot of greenhouse cucumbers grown hydroponically in rockwool. The disease first appears as pre- and post-emergence damping-off and death of cucumber seedlings. Later in the season, the infection causes root and basal rot and pale-brown vascular discoloration in lower stems of older plants. Diseased plants wilt and prematurely die during the fruiting period. The results of the study showed that Pythium spp., were the most predominant plant pathogens, accounting for 82% of the pathogenic isolates obtained from symptomatic cucumber plants commercially grown in rockwool hydroponic systems. Among these, group G of Pythium spp. predominated, constituting 55.0% of the total number of pathogenic isolates obtained during the survey of production greenhouses in the country. The remaining isolates of the genus Pythium belonged to group F (5.6%) or were identified as P. Ultimum (13.5%) and P. Aphanidermatum (7.9%). Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum (FORC) has also been identified as the cause of root and basal stem rot of cucumber plants. The isolates of this species constituted 18.0% of the total number of identified plant pathogens. The established pathogens infected plants either individually or in combinations, causing significant economic losses in greenhouse cucumber production.
Keywords: greenhouse cucumbers; rockwool; root and basal rot; root pathogens; soilless culture
Citation: Yanashkov, I., Prengov, G., & Vatchev, Tz. (2024). Species composition of root and basal rot pathogens of hydroponically grown cucumbers in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(6) 73-83 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-12-19
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