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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Effect of fertilisation on the quality of forage of sudangrass (Sorgum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.)
Rumen Bazitovorcid, Milena Mihaylovaorcid, Mitko Georgiev
Abstract: The experiment was carried out in the region of Stara Zagora with sudangrass cultivar Endzhe-1 on meadow-muddy soil under the following fertilization variants: Var. 1 - unfertilized control, (N0P0K0 kg/da); Var. 2 - fertilization with N9P6K4 kg/da, Var. 3 - fertilization with N18P12K8 kg/da. The chemical composition of the forages was determined by FOSS NIRS DS 2500 in the laboratory of the Agricultural Institute - Stara Zagora. The net energy for milk expressed in forage milk units (FUM) and forage gain units (FUG) were determined according to Todorov et al. (2007). When the sudangrass was grown without fertilization, the crude protein yield was found to range from 59.47 kg/da to 74.00 kg/da and the net energy for milk and growth (FUM and FUG), from 801 to 827 per acre for FUM and 762 to 842 for FUG, respectively. Mineral fertilization applied with N9P6K4 kg/da increased the amount of crude protein yield by 37.2% on average, and FUM and FUG by 13.9 and 11.4% compared to the unfertilized alternative.
Keywords: energy; nitrogen fertilization; protein; sudangrass
Citation: Bazitov, R., Mihaylova, M., & Georgiev, M. (2024). Effect of fertilisation on the quality of forage of sudangrass (Sorgum sudanense (Piper) Stapf.). Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(6) 60-65 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-12-19
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