Application of fluorescence spectroscopy as a field method in the determination of varietal differences parsley (Petroselinum crispum) accessions after harvesting
Vanya Slavova
Abstract: The aim of this study is to establish the application of fluorescence spectroscopy as a field method for determining post-harvest varietal differences in parsley accessions (Petroselinum crispum). The proposed method includes studies of leaves from four standard varieties of parsley by means of fluorescence spectroscopy. Due to varietal differences of a given genotype, they will be compared in terms of determining the spectral distribution. Specimens were grown under uncontrolled field conditions. This will allow the approach to be practiced non-invasively in the quality control of parsley production in undefined premises and outdoors.The experimental studies were carried out locally on the farm. The spectral installation for generating emission fluorescence spectra is mobile. A system engineering approach based on the classical principles of modern optoelectronics was applied in its setup (optical setup). The results can be used to optimize the time for the analysis of the varietal difference of parsley genotypes after harvest, under uncontrolled conditions. The stability of the breeding variety and its common blacks with an established variety of the same species can be observed by monitoring the intensity of the signal. This will support the process of determining the belonging of a specific accession to a given variety (even for samples of unknown origin, when it is necessary to qualify the result of samples in a short time
Keywords: field method; fluorescence spectroscopy; Parsley accessions (Petroselinum crispum); uncontrolled conditions; varietal differences
Citation: Slavova, V. (2024). Application of fluorescence spectroscopy as a field method in the determination of varietal differences parsley (Petroselinum crispum) accessions after harvesting. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(4), 67-72.
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| Date published: 2024-08-29
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