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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative evaluation of indigenous and introduced Burley tobacco varieties
Yovko Dyulgerski
Abstract: During the period 2016-2020, is made in the experimental field of TTРI a comparative complex evaluation of six samples of tobacco from the Burley varietal group, of which three introduced varieties and the same number of indigenous varieties,. The subject of the study are biometric, biological, economic and chemical indicators of the studied variants. As a result of the study, it is found that the researched genotypes presented with favorable Burley tobacco biometric indicators. All studied varieties have a shorter vegetative period than the standard Pliska 2002 variety. The highest yield is presented by Burley 1000 variety, followed by a small but proven difference by Burley 1317 variety. The highest percentage of the first grade is distinguished by the Tennessee 90 variety, which also gives the lowest percentage of the third grade. Tennessee 90 variety also has the most favorable chemical composition in terms of all the investigated chemical indicators. The complex assessment of the biological, economic and chemical indicators shows that it is not possible to distinguish a variety that is superior to the other tested variants. In terms of percentage of grades and chemical composition, the introduced variants are superior to the local varieties, but they are seriously inferior to them in terms of yield. The Tennessee 90 and Tennessee 86 varieties have similar biometric, economic and chemical characteristics with a slight predominance of Tennessee 90. Tennessee 90 variety namely has the highest selection value of the introduced varieties. The studied introduced varieties are valuable genetic material that can be successfully used in the selection of Burley tobacco.
Keywords: biological indicators; Burley tobacco; chemical composition; economic assessment; introduced varieties
Citation: Dyulgerski, Y. (2024). Comparative evaluation of indigenous and introduced Burley tobacco varieties. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(2) 53-60 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-04-25
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