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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Fertilization of wheat with liquid organic fertilizers under the conditions of a pot vegetation experiment
Vesselin Koutev, Asen Nikolov, Zdravka Petkova
Abstract: Vegetation experiment was carried out to determine the efficiency of liquid organic fertilizers application in the initial phases of wheat development. Three types of liquid organic fertilizer with single and double application (in 14 days) were tested -”Extra force”, “Zinovii Corn” and “Zinovii Oil”. All studied fertilizers application have a positive results. Compared to the control treatment, tested organic fertilizers show good results with one application and significantly better results with two applications. “Extra force” and “Zinovii Corn” when applied twice had double effect on yields and height of wheat plants.
Keywords: fertilization; liquid organic fertilizers; wheat
Citation: Koutev, V., Nikolov, A., & Petkova, Z. (2024). Fertilization of wheat with liquid organic fertilizers under the conditions of a pot vegetation experiment. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(2) 3-10.
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Date published: 2024-04-25
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