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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Distribution of tobacco products, new tobacco products and herbal smoking products in Bulgaria
Yovcho Kochev, Margarita Docheva, Hristo Bozukov, Maria Kasheva
Abstract: According to Directive 2014/40/EU manufacturers and importers of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and herbal smoking products must provide information on their composition, emissions, toxicological data on ingredients, in-depth studies on certain additives and market data on annual sales, to the competent authorities. The declaration is implemented through the common portal EU Common Entry Portal ЕС (EU-CEG), established by the European Commission and operational since May 2016. The EU-CEG portal for Bulgaria consists of two sectors - Tobacco Products (Tobacco sector), served by the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Markovo and E-cigarettes Sector and served by the Ministry of Economy. The Tobacco Products sector includes the following categories of products - cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobaccos, roll-your-own tobacco, snuff, waterpipe tobaccos, new tobacco products, herbal products for smoking. Until December 31, 2021, the EU-CEG portal for Bulgaria has 2 928 registrations for tobacco, tobacco products and herbal smoking products, divided into 10 different categories. The highest number of registrations was reported in cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and waterpipe tobaccos, representing 91% of all registrations. The number of registered tobacco products for waterpipe tobacco until 31. 12. 2021 is 514 and is approaching the number of cigarettes. There is a significant increase in the registrations of herbal smoking products and the new tobacco products.
Keywords: Bulgaria; distribution; herbal smoking products; new tobacco products; tobacco products
Date published: 2022-04-21
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