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The main methods of tillage and the influence of the norms of mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of winter wheat
Kamoliddin Bozorov, Komil Mominov
Abstract: The article describes the main tillage (softening of the field length and contour method at a depth of 25-28, 32, 35 cm) and mineral fertilizer standards (N240P168K120, N200P140K100, N200P70K50 kg/ha) for the yield and quality of winter wheat in the typical sierozem soils of irrigated erosion region of Samarkand. Under these conditions, in the cultivation of winter wheat mineral fertilizers N200P140K100 in areas where the soil is not washed, N240P168K120 in the case of strong washing, normal stratification, and contour plowing to a depth of 32-35 cm to obtain the highest yield (6.16-6.05 t/ha) and high grain quality (14.3-15.6; grain nature 765-784 g/l).
Keywords: grain yield; heavily washed; irrigation erosion; mineral fertilizers; quality; sewage accumulated soils; typical sierozem soils; unwashed; winter wheat
Date published: 2021-10-28
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