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The influence of irrigation regimes and fertilizer rates on growth and yield of corn varieties
Toshtemir Ostonakulov, Shokir Kholmurodov, Anvar Shamsiev
Abstract: The article presents the results of studying the influence of irrigation regimes and fertilizer rates on the growth, development of plants and the yield of varieties of sugar and dent corn. In the field experiments carried out under irrigated meadow-sierozem soils, it was revealed that maintaining the pre-irrigation soil moisture regime at the level of 70-80% PISM and applying fertilizers at a rate of 30 t/ha manure + N200P160K100 kg/ha has a positive effect on the growth and development of plants, lengthens the growing season by 2-7 days, the formation of tall, leafy plants with an optimal leaf area (0.81-0.89 m2), as a result of which bushes with high productivity are formed (2.4-2.9 pieces of ears). The grain yield for sweet corn varieties ranged from 5.6-10.0 t/ha, and for indentata corn varieties - 6.1-12.8 t/ha. The highest grain yield (8.6-12.8 t/ha) in the studied maize varieties was obtained with an irrigation regime of 70-80% PISM on an organic-mineral nutritional background (30 t/ha of manure + N200P160K100 kg/ha). At the same time, the yield increase was 3.0-4.6 t/ha.
Keywords: fertilizer rates; increment of yield; irrigation rate; irrigation regime; the preirrigation soil moisture (PISM); varieties of corn sacharata and indentata
Date published: 2021-08-20
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