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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Study of drought tolerance of modern line common winter wheat by indirect physiology methods
Radoslav Chipilski, Zlatina Uhr
Abstract: Drought tolerance of 11 modern lines Bulgarian winter common wheat was investigated during two vegetation periods 2017-2019 in laboratory of the Plant Physiology. The lines were created by cross–variety. As a standard was used the most drought tolerance variety Katya. The germs and twenty days old seedlings were compared with each other based on the estimate on indirect physiology methods. The data were gathered and traced for relative water content, dry weight and injury index of cells membranes in both trial variants-control (irrigated) and unirrigated for 7 days. Тhe growth depression seedling was evaluatied by germ, cultivated in solution with increased osmotic pressure as follows 0 atm, 12.23 atm and 24.45 atm. The lines МХ 270/71, МХ 271/294, МХ 265/654, МХ 268/1053 and МХ 268/1008 were described as drought resistance. The water deficit obtained affects from applied osmotic stress suppresses to a great extent the growth of shoots compared to that of the root. From correlation analyzes was established strong negative dependence among relative water content and injury index in drought variant of trial. Strong positive dependence was established among both growth depression of shoot and root at various osmotic concentrations.
Keywords: common winter wheat; drought resistance; indirect physiology methods; osmotic stress
Date published: 2021-08-20
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