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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Chromosome substitutions in triticale (Triticosecale Wittmack) factor for genetic diversity in breeding (a review)
Nadia Daskalova
Abstract: The review involved information for the chromosome substitutions in hexaploiod triticale, differentiated between complete (2n=42) from the substituted triticale varieties (2n=42). The following main issues were considered: 1) General knowledge for the substituted triticale; 2) Comparison of complete with substituted varieties; 3) Breedingof triticale lines (rye chromosomes replaced by wheat D-chromosomes); 4) Breeding complete triticale (14 rye chromosomes present) with substituted A- and B-chromosomes by the wheat D-genome. The presence of wheat D-chromosomes in triticale was connected with proven influence on some quantitative and qualitative parameters. Substitutions in the 1st and 3rd chromosome group were associated with resistance to preharvest sprouting, while other substitutions improved the aluminum tolerance, resistance to fungal pathogens (yellow rust, leaf rust, etc.), kernel hardness, and a set of qualitative traits. Introgression of 1D and 6D chromosomes led to improvement of structural and functional properties of flour and bread in triticale.
Keywords: breeding applications; hexaploid triticale; types of substituted triticale
Date published: 2021-04-23
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