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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Period of production receiving depending on sowing and planting time in broccoli
Desislava Todorova
Abstract: The study was conducted at the Institute of Agriculture - Kyustendil during the period 2008 - 2011. The production of central flower heads for four broccoli varieties for late field production, based on the planting period July 1 - August 1, was investigated. The best results were obtained with the Parthenon F1 variety, in which the production yield in three of the variants lasted about one month, the single collected amount of central flower heads reached 359 kg/da, and the total yield was from 2199,4 to 2589,4 kg/da. It has been found that by using a variety of cultivars and varying the seedlings periods, a dynamic and continuous supply of fresh material to the market for at least three months can be achieved.
Keywords: broccoli; period of production receipt; sowing and planting time; yield
Date published: 2020-10-22
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