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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Iva - new gladiolus variety
Ivanka Ivanova, Andrei Kaninski, Anka Galeva
Abstract: Iva is a new Bulgarian gladiolus variety created at the Institute of Ornamental and medicinal Plants - Sofia by the method of intraspecific hybridization, i.e. by crossing Oasis and Blues varieties. Variety Iva is of high ornamental quality with purple color, medium high, very strong and light green stem, that makes it competitive on the market. The new variety is characterized by earlier flowering period in comparison with standard cultivar Blues, respectively 13 days. The number of blossoms per one plant, yield of cut flower and corms, and weight of cormels /100 m2, from the new variety are higher in comparison with the standard variety Blues, respectively 16.30 %, 9.61% аnd 45.6%. The cut flowers of variety Iva show longer vase life in water, than the standard variety, respectively 4 days. The new variety is suitable for greenhouse and field production, urban landscaping purposes.
Keywords: corms; cut flower; gladiolus; intraspecific hybridization; variety; yield
Date published: 2019-10-30
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