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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Рhysiological and agronomic study of oat varieties
Radoslav Chipilski, Evgenia Valchinova
Abstract: In plant physiology laboratory in IPGR, Sadovo during period 2016-2018 were study eight accessions оat, through indirect physiology analyzes. Were used two botanical forms oat - Avena sativa L. ssp. Nudisativa and Аvena sativa L. The same accessions were sown in field trial with experimental area 10 m2 in three replications. The aim of this study was to estimate reaction of oat varieties through morphometric and physiological parameters of leaf, reported in conditions on field trial. From analysis of the results from morphometric indices, water exchange and relative chlorophyll content of flag and sub flag leaves of different forms oat, found significance advantage of naked oat (A. sativa L. ssp. Nudisativa). Bigger leaf area and dry mass of flag and sub flag leaves in naked forms are genetically base, but in the other side higher water content and relative chlorophyll content could be a prerequisite for more tolerant reactions to drought stress. The relationships between yield and other parameters was confirmed, that agroclimatic conditions were suitable during collect data.
Keywords: Avena sativa L.; Avena sativa L. ssp. Nudisativa; grain yield; physiological analysis
Date published: 2019-08-21
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