[session_started] => 1737111281
Genetic distance between perspective mutant cotton lines
Minka Koleva, Neli Valkova
Abstract: The aim of this research was to establish the genetic distance of eleven cotton mutant lines based on six agronomic traits. The experiments were included perspective lines, obtained by applying radiation mutagenesis . The lines were originated from new Bulgarian varieties. During the period 2015-2017 in thе Field Crops Institute, Chirpan field trials were carried out according to the adopted cotton growing technology.The total yield (kg/da), the boll weight (g), the lint percentage (%), the fiber length (mm), the height of first fruit branch (cm) and the height of plants were determined. Multivariate methods - cluster and PC analyzes are used. The cluster analysis based on the agronomic properties of lines confirmed the genetic differences between them. The results showed that in genetic similarity, lines are grouped into different clusters, regardless of which variety they obtained. The crossing between genetically similar lines will ensure faster breeding progress. The hybridization between the remote groups, as 824 и 836; 838 и 835; 830 и 832, which are genetically highly distant will create a bigger genetic diversity.
Keywords: breeding, economic traits; genetic distance; mutant cotton lines
Date published: 2019-07-02
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