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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Genetic differences in germination and initial growth of mutant varieties and lines winter 6-rowed barley
Boryana Dyulgerova, Nikolay Dyulgerov, Milka Dimitrova-Doneva
Abstract: The aim of the present investigation was to study genotype differences in germination and initial growth of mutant varieties and lines winter 6-rowed barley, developed at the Institute of Agriculture – Karnobat. Germination, germination index, mean germination time, coleoptile length, length of first leaf, number and length of roots, fresh and dry weights of first leaf in mutant varieties and lines and two standard varieties of winter 6-rowed barley were measured at laboratory conditions. The genotype had a significant effect on variation of all studied traits except for the number of roots. It was found significant correlation between germination and the length, weight (fresh and dry) of the first leaf and of 1000-grain weight. Genotypes with a good combination of the studied traits have been identified involving them in the breeding work may result in development of lines with a higher germination rate and initial growth.
Keywords: germination; initial growth; mutant varieties and lines; winter 6-rowed barley
Date published: 2019-01-16
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