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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Combining economically important indices in F3 generations of triticale crosses
Hristo Stoyanov, Valentin Baychev
Abstract: In order to determine good combinations of economically important traits in the progenies of triticale, 10 third hybrid generation crosses were investigated. The traits days to heading, plant height, number of grains per spike, weight of grains per spike and 1000-kernel weight were evaluated. The results from the investigated crosses and progenies unequivocally proved the exceptional importance of hybridization for greater genetic variability. The cross 12/14 had the earliest average date to heading, while the lowest values of plant height were read in crosses 26/14 and 12/14. Highest values for number of grains per spike were read in crosses 25/14 and 36/14. A similar tendency was observed for the index weight of grains per spike. Crosses 25/14, 36/14 and 38/14 were with the highest values in third hybrid generation. A tendency to form very high values not observed in the parental forms was determined for the index 1000 kernel weight. Among the investigated progenies in third hybrid generation, very impressive were 12/14-7-26, 13/14-6-1, 24/14-1-11, 24/14-22-14, 25/14-18-1, 25/14-21-5, 26/14-4-2, 28/14-31-15, 34/14-12-16, 34/14-20-21, 35/14-4-17 and 38/14-24-14, which possessed good combinations of early heading, low plant height, high seed set, very good productivity and large grains. These progenies should be further studied in the next generations with the aim to stabilize the combinations of traits and to achieve high breeding results.
Keywords: crosses; productivity; triticale
Date published: 2018-07-12
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