[session_started] => 1737300498
Effects of precursor and growth regulators on the productivity of winter wheat
Sergey Bogomazov, Alexander Kochmin, Oksana Tkachuk, Ekaterina Pavlikova, Oleg Sharunov
Abstract: The effect of winter wheat precursors on the water properties of leached Chernozem was studied. It was found that the reserve of productive soil moisture in all phases of growth and development of the crop was largest in the variant with black fallow. Effectiveness of the use of growth regulators with retardant action in the technology of winter wheat cultivation is proved. The highest productivity of winter wheat (3.58 t/ha) was established in the variant using the black fallow with application of growth regulator Reggae at the tillering phase (1.2 l/ha). The introduction of the occupied fallow in the structure of the crop rotation led to an increase in the weediness of winter wheat of 16.3%. The highest content of raw gluten (29.6%) in grains of winter wheat was observed in the variant of crop rotation with an occupied fallow and the treatment with growth regulator Moddus at the tillering phase (0.4 l/ha).
Keywords: black fallow; growth regulators; productive moisture; winter wheat
Date published: 2018-03-28
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